How to Send Pictures to Your Crush or Match on Facebook Dating

The Facebook dating app has a lot of benefits of making use of it, there are so many positive and negative reasons people use the dating app, so the negative reasons are one of the reasons why you cannot send pictures on the dating app.

How to Send Pictures on Facebook Dating

For security reasons Facebook dating app does not allow you to send pictures or receive pictures on the dating app, you can only send likes and view the pictures of the person you met on a dating app on their dating profile, so it is mainly for your own safety, that’s why you can’t send pictures on the dating platform.

Why You can’t Send Pictures on Facebook Dating

You might spend your time searching through your Facebook dating and wondering why you cannot send pictures to someone you meet on Facebook dating, there are no steps and procedures to achieve that because Facebook does not include access to sending pictures in their dating feature.

Here are some reasons why you can’t send pictures, links or even payment slips to your matches or potential dates on the Facebook dating app.

  • Facebook dating apps ensure they can help in keeping their users safe and secure them from negative happenings on social media, not every match on the dating app has good intentions towards you.
  • Some people are on the Facebook dating app to deceive and scam people of their money, so always try to be vigilant when dealing and disclosing your personal information to people you meet on a dating app, that is why the Facebook dating app does not give you the access to send pictures, links and payment.
  • Yes, there are some other dating apps that can allow you to send your pictures and link to whoever you choose to send them. But the Facebook dating app doesn’t allow you to do that, you can only text or chat with your matches and potential dates.
  • Apart from the fact you cannot send pictures on the dating platform, you can still upload 10 to 12 of your photos on your dating profile. Which will enable your matches to identify and see pictures of you, instead of asking you to send pictures personally to them.
  • Even to the point of taking a screenshot, you cannot take a screenshot while using the Facebook dating app, this is also for safety reasons In general.

What are the Other Ways I can Send Pictures Since I can’t Send Pictures on Facebook Dating?

Surely, what You will get here is the guide on How to Send Pictures on Facebook Dating as people are looking for it.

Many people may ask this question since dating does not allow them to send pictures. So how do they send pictures to someone they meet on the dating app. The dating platform only allows you to chat with your match.

So, during your conversation with them, you might decide you want to share more pictures asides from the ones on your dating profile.

You can simply tell your match or potential date to switch back to your main Facebook account to go through all your pictures. This is because you cannot send pictures on a dating.

You can even use another option of sending pictures through your Facebook messenger app. Since you want to send pictures to someone you met on Facebook dating.


Always note that it is due to security reasons and your safety, which is why Facebook dating does not allow you to send pictures on the app, but you can always upload some of your nice pictures on your dating profile for your potential dates and match to see.

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