13 Interesting Facts About the People of Bilei Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Bilei people are from the eastern part of Nigeria and today we are going to be looking at some interesting facts about them.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Bilei Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Bilei Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Bilei Ethnic Group have quite some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this article.

1. One Interesting Fact About the Bilei People is Their Location

The Bilei people are a tribe located in Rivers state. The Bilei tribe is in Bille town which is a low-lying land in the region of the Niger Delta and is only a few feet above sea level.

2. History

It is said that Queen Ikpakiaba founded many centuries ago with several colleagues who fled their original settlement because of an internal conflict. They were said to have emigrated from the old Benin Empire.

It is difficult to say the exact date of the course as this origin was passed down through oral tradition as it is often done in Africa.

3. Another Interesting Fact About the Bilei People is What People Know Them For

Also, the Bilei people are friendly, accommodating and fun-loving in nature.

4. Food

Occasionally, when in Rivers state; Niger Delta to be precise, you will hear people asking to eat Onunu. This is one of the most popular foods in Rivers state.

5. Population

As of the last census of 2006, the people of Bilei were a little over fifty thousand.

6. The System of Government of the Bilei People is Also an Interesting Fact About Them

They practice a democratic system of government. And again, their culture gives room for equal rights to both men and women.

7. Local Government

The local government where the Bilei tribe is Degema local government area; one of the 12 local governments in Rivers state.

8. Occupation

Fishing, trading, and farming are the major occupations of the Bilei people. They grow rubber trees, coconuts, oil palms, plantains, bananas, citrus fruits and rafias.

9. Another Interesting Fact About the Bilei People is That is it One of the Few Places Where the Dignity of Womanhood is Upheld

10. Natural Resources

The Bilei tribe is in Niger Delta. And as we all know, Niger Delta as a whole has large deposits of crude oil and natural gas. Which makes them a hot cake in the nation.

11. Their Entry Point

To get to the Bilei people, there are five entry points in their town. The entry points are; the Kala Bille kubu, the Besi kubuthe, Oliyama anga, the Oro kubu and the Oruama boko.

12. The Traditional Attire of the Bilei People is Also an Interesting Fact About Them

The people of Bilei adorn themselves with clothing that looks like an apoche with beautiful embroidery. They also love to adorn themselves with beads.

13. Their Religion

About fifty to sixty per cent of the Bilei people are Christians. But the rest of them either don’t care about religion or they still hold unto their traditional gods.


Finally, we have gone to the beautiful Niger Delta of Rivers state to explore the people of Bilei. First-hand interesting facts about them. They are people with lovely backgrounds.

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