13 Interesting Facts About the People of Barke Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Barke is an ethnic group located in Bauchi state, Nigeria where you will definitely enjoy learning and taking note of their way of life.  However, you will get to learn some interesting facts about the Barke people, their language, history, beliefs and so much more. So, get ready and we hope you enjoy reading this write-up.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Barke Ethnic Group

Remember Nigeria is a very large and great country with many ethnic groups with different ways of life and belief. And, it might be of great surprise to you that these ethnic groups are interrelated with two cultures and traditions.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Barke Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Barke Ethnic Group have quite some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this article.

1. Language

The Barke people of Bauchi state speak Mburku. Other than this, those who live in the villages are not really fluent in any other languages.

2. Location

Now, let’s give a more specific location to the Barke people. In Bauchi state, they live in a village called Burku. Burku is found in the Miya district of the Gajunwa Local Government Area.

3. Neighboring Communities: Interesting Facts About the People of Barke Ethnic Group

Here are some communities, that live close to the Barke people of Bauchi state.

  • To start off, we have the Fulani
  • Kariya
  • Ajawa
  • Choogen
  • Deno
  • Jimbin
  • Warji

4. Livelihood Information

Bauchi state is a state known for its very fertile soil, beautiful landscape, and abundance of land. The Barke people use this to their advantage. And, they are known for farming these crops: Guinea Corn, Millet, and Groundnut, which they convert into some meals.

5. Community Lacks

However, the Barke people, unfortunately, have quite a lot of amenities that they lack. And, some of these include:

  1. Developed Roads
  2. Electricity
  3. Health Care
  4. Clean Water

6. Their Belief System is on the List of Interesting Facts About the People of Barke Ethnic Group

Many of the Barke people are Muslims, and quite a few are Christians. However, some still practice their traditional religion.

7. Traditional Religion

Burkanawa people practice a traditional religion which is Animism. However, they are gradually adopting the lifestyle and culture of the Hausa and Fulani people.

8. Leadership

In the Barke ethnic group, they have elders who settle every matter arising in the community. So, this help to enable peace and unity in society and avoid them from having issues with outsiders.

9. Their Agricultural Strength is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Barke Ethnic Group

The Barke people have very great strength for agriculture in Nigeria. However, they take part in the production of rice, maize, yam, melons, and millet. Also, they are animals like cattle and goats. And, this agricultural strength plays a significant role in the economic growth of Nigeria.

10. Use of Charms

The people of Burkanawa make use of different amulets and charms to control and protects themselves from spiritual forces in their community.

11. Population

Also, the population size of the people of the Barke ethnic group in Nigeria is around 31,000. So, they have quite a large number.

12. Level of Literacy: Interesting Facts About the People of Barke Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Most of the people of this ethnic group are not educated. Also, they lack lots of basic amenities too which makes their environment rural.

13. Traditional Festival

Lastly, they also hold an exciting festival called Gwarkwati every year. And, trust me you will definitely love to witness it.


These are interesting facts about the great people of the Barke ethnic group in Nigeria. However, it might interest you if you decide to go to their location to learn more about their lifestyle and get to taste their different local dishes.

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