13 Interesting Facts About the People of Bakulung Ethnic Group in Nigeria

This article gives you an insight into the Bakulung people interesting facts. The Bakulung people belong to an ethnic group called Bakulung in Nigeria. They are also called Ikulu, Ikolu, and Bekulu.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of the Bakulung Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Bakulung Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Bakulung Ethnic Group have quite some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this article.

1. Population

The population of the Bakulung ethnic group as of the 1998 census was 50,000 in Nigeria.

2. Language

Their language is native to Nigeria and the tribe. Though neighbouring tribes who have mastered the language may speak it and be able to relate with them. The Bakulung people speak the plateau language called Kulu.

3. Their Religion is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Bakulung Ethnic Group

They practice their religion. The African Traditional Religion, The Islamic Religion, and The Christian Religion.

4. History

The Bakulung people are also known as the Ikulu people. These are the first Wakilin Ikulu and their tenure years during the Zaria Emirate of the Ikulu. Mallam Dauda(1956-1966). He administered the Ikulu land during those years and was succeeded by Mallam Yamusa Kaura.

Though Mallam Yamusa Kaura could not rule for up to a year because his tenure was abolished as a result of the appointment of Mallam Bala Ade Dauke. In 1995, the people left the Zaria Emirate for the creation of the Atyap Chiefdom. In 2000, the Ikulu people got their independence through the creation of the Ikulu Chiefdom.

This brought about the 10 districts of the Ikuku/Bakulung people.

5. They Are Farmers

Their major source of livelihood is farming as there is so much Agriculture in the State.

6. 10 District Of Bakulung is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Bakulung Ethnic Group

The creation of the Ikulu Chiefdom which led to their independence brought 10 districts to the tribe. They are as follows below:

  • Kamuru
  • Ampago
  • Anchuna
  • Ashafa
  • Dutsen
  • Bako
  • Ladduga (gulani grazing reserve)
  • Yada
  • Zagom
  • Gateh
  • And Fansil.

The headquarter of the 10 districts is Kamuru.

7. The Land Of Bakulung

The people of Bakulung have a land called Akulu.

8. The Bakulung Current State in Nigeria

The Bakulung people are currently living in the southern part of Kaduna.

9. The LGA of the Bakulung People is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Bakulung Ethnic Group

People of the Bakulung tribe are scattered in Zargun Kartaf LGA, Kachia LGA, and Kaura LGA.

10. The Geography Of Bakulung People

The Bakulung people reside in the middle belt of Nigeria.

11. History Of Kaduna State

Kaduna State is in the northern part of Nigerians with dominating tribes like the Hausa. The creation date of the state as a North Central State on 27th May 1967.

12. The Capital Of Kaduna is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Bakulung Ethnic Group

Kaduna State shares the same name as the capital which is known as Kaduna.

13. Kaduna Is Rich In Agriculture

The State is rich in agriculture.


This article gives a clear guide on the interesting facts of the people of Bakulung, where they originate from, their present residence and their way of life.

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