13 Interesting Facts About the People of Achipawa Ethnic Group in Nigeria

There are interesting facts about the people of the Achipawa ethnic group which is also known as Achipa. It is important to know interesting facts about the people you originate from or just to learn more about the ethnic groups in Nigeria, there are over three hundred ethnic groups in Nigeria and Achipawa is just one of them.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Achipawa Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Achipawa Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Achipawa Ethnic Group have quite some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this article.

1. They are Animist

The Achipawa ethnic group are animists which means that they believe that, animals, people, plants, and objects possess a spiritual essence. This type of religion is found in various parts of the world and also other parts of Nigeria.

2. They Occupy a Part of the Kebbi State

This ethnic group can be found in Kebbi State, Nigeria. There is where they live, and take care of their children and families. Also, they have lived there for generations carrying out their cultures and traditions.

3. They are Dark-skinned and this is one of the Interesting Facts About the People of Achipawa Ethnic Group

The people of the Achipawa Ethnic group are dark-skinned which is quite common for northerners in Nigeria. Due to the harsh weather majority of the northerners in Nigeria are dark-skinned and the Achipawa people are no different.

4. They are Among the Smallest Tribe in Nigeria

The Achipawa ethnic group is quite small having a population when compared to the other major ethnics group in Nigeria such as the Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, and Isoko and other major ethnic groups they are considered quite small

5. The Population is Estimated as Over Ten Thousand

Yes, the estimated population of people who are from the Achipawa Ethnic group are over ten thousand in number, though it sounds big when compared to other ethnic groups their population is really small.

6. They Mostly Live in Isolation and this is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Achipawa Ethnic Group

They live mostly isolated. The know village of the Achipawa ethnic group is quite isolated as it is in the mountains of Kebbi State. Travelling there is not easy and so it is quite hard for people to visit the village.

7. They are Presumed to be Hostile

They are hostile towards strangers due to the fact that they don’t know them and don’t trust them, though once they have seen you mean them no harm they are welcoming and are willing to tell you about themselves.

8. The Boys in the Fields or Farms of Their Future Father-in-Law for Seven Years

This is quite a unique fact about the Achipawa people. it is known that boys from the age of seven can start working in the fields of their future father-in-law for seven years before they can get married to the lady.

9. They are Very Traditional and this is one of the Interesting Facts About the People of Achipawa Ethnic Group

The Achipawa people like many other ethnic groups in Nigeria are very traditional. They take their cultures and tradition very seriously. Also, they do not take it lightly when their culture and tradition are made lightly of.

10. They Believe a Man to be their God

They believe a man to be their god, this particular man is said to have a voice like thunder, and he is able to control storms and the birth of children. Also, the man is said to live in a dark hut and does not venture outside ever.

11. Their Language is Cicipu

The language spoken by the Achipawa ethnic group is Cicipu. The language code is awc and the language is quite vulnerable which means it will soon be lost because there are not a lot of people who speak the language

12. Some of the People Live in Huts and this is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Achipawa Ethnic Group

Yes some of them still live in a hut and they do have their reasons for that, especially the elders of the village who do not find it comfortable living in modern houses.

13. Agriculture is One of their Occupations

Agriculture is one of the major sources of income for a lot of ethnics group in Nigeria, it could be farming or rearing of animals and it is not so different for the Achipawa ethnic group either. Though they mostly farm.


Not much is known about this ethnic group but like any other ethnic group in Nigeria, they are farmers, and they have their own culture and traditions. Also, the people are wary of strangers and hold their beliefs very strongly.

Nigeria is a diverse country especially when it comes to language. Also, the country has English as its official language but each tribe or ethnic group have their own and it is not different for the Achipawa people of kebbi state.

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