13 Interesting Facts About the People of Banka (Bankalawa) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Nigeria is a country with diverse ethnic groups, each with its unique traditions, customs, and beliefs. One of the ethnic groups in Nigeria with interesting facts is the Banka people, who are predominantly found in the North-central part of the country. This post will bring Interesting Facts About the People of the Banka (Bankalawa) Ethnic Group.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Banka (Bankalawa) Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Banka (Bankalawa) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Banka (Bankalawa) Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Origin

The Banka people are believed to have migrated from present-day Burkina Faso over 400 years ago. They settled in the present-day Toto Local Government Area of Nasarawa State in Nigeria.

2. Language

The Banka people have their language called ‘Banka,’ which is a member of the Gur branch of the Niger-Congo language family. However, due to contact with neighbouring ethnic groups, many Banka people also speak Hausa, which is the lingua franca of Northern Nigeria.

3. Agriculture is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Banka (Bankalawa) Ethnic Group

The Banka people are primarily farmers, and agriculture is the mainstay of their economy. They cultivate crops such as yam, cassava, maize, millet, and groundnut.

4. Festivals

The Banka people have several festivals throughout the year to celebrate their culture and tradition. The most popular of these festivals is the ‘Aga’ festival, which is usually held in August.

5. Religion

The Banka people practice Islam, which they adopted from their Hausa neighbours. However, they also have traditional religious beliefs and practices, which are an integral part of their culture.

6. Their Dressing is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Banka (Bankalawa) Ethnic Group

The traditional attire of the Banka people is a long, flowing gown known as ‘babban riga.

7. Marriage

Marriage is an essential aspect of Banka culture, and parents or guardians make the arrangement. Also, the groom pays a bride price, which is often in the form of livestock or cash.

8. Music and Dance

The Banka people have a rich musical and dance tradition. They use various musical instruments such as the ‘gonje’ (a type of fiddle) and ‘dundun’ (a type of drum) to produce melodious tunes for their dance performances.

9. Their Hospitality is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Banka (Bankalawa) Ethnic Group

The Banka people are warm reception of visitors. Also, it is common for visitors to be offered food and drinks, even if they are strangers.

10. Education

Although the Banka people are predominantly farmers, they also value education. Many Banka children attend school, and the literacy rate is gradually improving.

11. Crafts

The Banka people have skills in various crafts, including pottery, weaving, and carving. Also, they produce beautiful artefacts such as baskets, mats, and wooden carvings.

12. Family Values is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Banka (Bankalawa) Ethnic Group

The Banka people place a high value on the family unit. Extended family members are expected to provide support and assistance to one another in times of need.

13. Traditional Medicine

The Banka people have a rich tradition of using herbs and plants for medicinal purposes. They have a deep understanding of the medicinal properties of various plants and use them to treat various ailments.


The Banka people have a rich culture and tradition that is worth exploring. By learning more about their culture, we can appreciate and celebrate the diversity of Nigeria’s ethnic groups.

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