13 Interesting Facts About the People of Buli Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Buli people have interesting facts about them and you get to learn a little about these facts from reading about them in this article. You are to learn a little bit about the people of the Buli ethnic group and how they live in their home state in Nigeria. They can be found in Northeast Nigeria and they live relatively well with their neighbours.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Buli Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Buli Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Buli Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Their Food

The Buli people have their favourite traditional food and the food liked by the locals the most is called Masa. Though the prices for has skyrocketed over time due to different reasons.

2. Their Religion

In addition, there are three major religions in Nigeria which are Christianity, Islam and tradition. The Buli people consist of all three and you can have different people participate in either of these religions.

3. Their Traditional Attire is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Buli Ethnic Group

The people of Buli people also have their own traditional attire. The traditional attire of an ethnic group is like their identity, the attire is worn for festivals, ceremonies such as marriage, naming ceremonies and more.

4. Their Economy

The people of Buli are agriculturally based, they raise livestock and are also farmers. They plant crops such as millet, yams, groundnut, tomatoes, cotton and others. They have also improved and now use a modern irrigation system.

5. Where They can be Found

The people of the Buli ethnic group are from Bauchi State. The state can be found in northeast Nigeria. The state is bordered by Kano, Jigawa, Plateau, Gombe, Gone and Kaduna States.

6. Their Population is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Buli Ethnic Group

The population of the people of the Buli ethnic group in Bauchi State is not that known but they are a relatively small ethnic group within the state and Nigeria as a whole.

7. Their Language

In addition, when it comes to language, Nigeria as a whole has hundreds of languages and still counting. The Buli people are no different and they speak their own language is also called Bali. The state they also reside in has a lot of languages spoken by different ethnic groups in the state.

8. Musical Instruments

One of the popular musical instruments that can be found in all tribes is the drum and the Buli tribe also have their own type of drum that they use in times of celebration.

9. One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Buli Ethnic Group is that They have a Good Relationship with their Neighbours

Also, the Buli people have a good relationship with their neighbours who are Sayawa, Kir, Bankal, Ju and Fulani who are their closest neighbours.

10. They are Fluent in Other Languages

The Buli people are also fluent in other languages such as Hausa, Kir, Sayawa, Bankalawa and Fulani. They also speak English which is the general language of Nigeria.

11. How they Live

The people of Buli, trade with the neighbouring villages and commute to these villages either by trekking or by using a motorcycle if it is a more far distance.

12. Their Festival is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Buli Ethnic Group

In addition, the Buli people celebrate different festivals though due to colonization a lot of them don’t celebrate their traditional festivals instead they either participate in Christian festivals or Muslim festivals.

13. Social Structure

They have their own social structure in which they have a village chief who is the head. They also have defined gender roles for both males and females in their community.


From here you have gotten a little insight into the people of the Buli ethnic group and how they live their lives. The people of the Buli ethnic group are friendly and are good farmers. They have also progressed much and have also improved their farming techniques.

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