13 Interesting Facts About the People of Chinine Ethnic Group in Nigeria

All the way from Taraba state is one of the minor ethnic groups; the Chinine people. This article will be talking about some quite interesting facts about the Chinine people.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Chinine Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Chinine Ethnic Group

The following are some of the interesting facts about the Chinine Ethnic Group in Taraba state;

1. Location

As I said earlier, the Chinine people can be found in Taraba state in Nigeria. They are one of the many minority ethnic groups in Taraba state.

2. Origin

They are believed to be descendants of the Kwararafa kingdom which was a pre-colonial kingdom that spanned various parts of our present-day Taraba and Adamawa states.

3. One Interesting Fact About the Chinine People is Their Language

These people in Taraba state have their own language called the Chinine which is a dialect of the Wurbo language; a part of the Chadic language family.

4. Local Government

Among the sixteen (16) LGAs in Taraba state, the Chinine people can be found in Gashaka and Kurmi Local Governments. It is also said that they have diaspora communities in other parts of the country.

5. Occupation

The major occupation of the Chinine people is farming and pastoring. They grow crops such as cassava, yams, maize and beans. They also have rare livestock like cattle, sheep, goats and chickens.

6. Another Interesting Fact About the Chinine People is Their Craftsmanship

These people from Taraba state are also very known for their skilled craftsmanship, especially in woodcarving and weaving. They also produce a variety of handcrafts including baskets, bags, mats and even furniture.

7. Oral Tradition

One thing common with us Africans is our oral tradition and the Chinine people are no exception to this. They have various myths and legends that speak on several natural phenomena.

8. Ethnicity Problems

Like every other ethnic group in Nigeria, these people have had their fair share of ethnic problems. Over the years, they have faced issues such as religious conflicts and political marginalization which have shaped them into what they are today.

9. One of the Many Interesting Facts About the Chinine People is Their Festivals

The Chinine people from Taraba state celebrate a number of festivals annually. Some of these festivals include; Kwano a Kwatya, Ga Sissi, Sabo and Yadzikpi. These festivals create an avenue for them to express their cultural identity.

10. Religion

While many have adopted either Christianity or Islam, a number of them still practice their traditional religion. Their traditional religion is polytheistic and animistic.

11. Men’s Traditional attire

The men of the Chinine ethnic group wear loose baggy pants called “kli-kli”, a sleeveless shirt and a hat. They also wear ankle bracelets called “dzori” and leather sandals they call “zohiri”.

12. Women’s Traditional Attire

Their women wear a wrap skirt called “liza” with a matching blouse they call “Kpodo’. They use a head scarf they call “Kondama” or colourful beads.

13. Another Interesting Fact About the Chinine People is the Food They Eat

One of the foods that are popular among these people from Taraba state is the Fura da Nono made from grounded millet and sour milk.


In conclusion, there are so many interesting facts to know about the Dangsa people from Taraba state. They are loving and hospitable people.

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