13 Interesting Facts About the People of Challa Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Let’s learn some interesting facts about the people of the Challa ethnic group in Nigeria. Since they are in Nigeria they have a lot of history and culture. The Challa people are quite a small group and even though they are not as popular as other ethnics group in the country.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Challa Ethnic Group

They are done well for themselves by adapting to the changes and also able to keep some of their traditions and cultures.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Challa Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Challa Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Their Location

The people of the Challa Ethnic group can be found in Plateau State. This state has a lot of ethnic groups and to be precise it has more than forty ethnic groups with only a few considered as the major ethnic group.

2. Their Language

Like any other ethnicity the Challa speak their own language which is called Ron and due to progress and people mingling together other tribes still speak the language and they too speak the language of other ethnic groups.

3. Their Language Family is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Challa Ethnic Group

Now the language that the people of Challa speak is the language Afro-Asiatic which consists of languages such as Chadic, west Chadic, bole angas and rons.

4. Alternative Name

The Challa people are also called alternative names, this is not quite common among ethnic groups in Nigeria, with only a few having alternative names. The alternative name of the challa people is Chala with only just one letter L.

5. Alternative Language

Due to progress and adaptation, the people of Challa have come to speak other languages of other ethnic groups, they speak languages such as Bokkos, Mbar, Daffo-Butura, Shagawu and many others.

6. Their Religion is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Challa Ethnic Group

The people of Challa are now majorly Christians and Muslims due to colonization. Though quite a few of them still practice their traditional religion and their histories taught in schools.

7. Reachability

When it comes to reachability the Challa people are reachable even due to their size and popularity, this is actually possible due to modernization, the creation of automobiles and so on.

8. Economy

When it comes to the economy, the challa people made use of the resources close to them. They are mostly farmers, working the land and rearing animals. While some of them are miners, mining the mountains for resources.

9. Their Local Delicacies is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Challa Ethnic Group

Since the Challa people are from Plateau state you can be sure that their local delicacies are quite similar to that of other tribes in the state. Delicacies such as  Gwaku and Acha.

10. Population

When it comes to population the Challa people are quite small and though they are well known by their surrounding neighbours, they are not that popular among outside states or ethnic groups that they are farther apart from.

11. Their Skin Colour

The Challa people or the people of the Challa ethnic group have the popular skin colour of most Nigeria or Africans which is black or dark-skinned.

12. Their Affinity Group, Cluster and Bloc are Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Challa Ethnic Group

The Challa ethnic group fall under the affinity group of sub-Saharan African people and their affinity bloc is sub-Saharan Africa, with their cluster being Chadic.

13. Festivals and Celebrations

The people of the Challa Ethnic group have their own festivals and celebrations that follow certain customs though most are not in use due to modernization. They still follow their traditions and customs when it comes to marriage.


Now you have gotten to learn a little about the challa people, which state they are from the language they speak and also a little about how they have progressed. The challa people adapted to speak other languages to be able to communicate well with their neighbours.

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