13 Interesting Facts About the People of Gude Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Gude Ethnic Group in Nigeria have a beautiful culture. There are quite some interesting facts about the Gude People Ethnic Group. The Gude people are known to have their own cultural beliefs and traditions.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Gude Ethnic Group

Though modern times have seen that some of those traditions are no longer done, they still keep the practice of the ones that are important to them.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Gude Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Gude Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Thier Location

The people of the Gude Ethnic group in Nigeria are known to live in two states of the states in the country. These states are Adamawa State and also Borno State.

2. The Local Government Area

In the two states that the Gude people can be found they live in Mubi local government area in Adamawa State and in Askira-Uba local government area in Borno State

3. Their Language is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Gude Ethnic Group

The Gude people speak the Gude language. This language is an Afro-Asiatic language and it is also spoken in the neighbouring country of Cameroon.

4. Their Language Speakers

It is known that the Gude language is spoken by over three hundred and fifty thousand people (350,000). The language is spoken as both a first and second language depending on the region.

5. Other Language

The Gude people also speak other languages apart from their own language. The people also speak Nigeria’s common language which is the English Language.

6. Their Religion is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Gude Ethnic Group

The Gude people were once traditionalists but now there are few of them who still practice their traditions with the majority of the Gude people now being Muslims and others Christians.

7. Their Occupation

The Gude people are farmers and they also rear animals. Alo, they raise crops such as peanuts, maize, millet, melons and many others.

8. Their Marriage

They traditionally practice monogamy which is a man is to have one wife, but due to the majority of them converting to Muslim, they now have more than one wife.

9. Their Population is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Gude Ethnic Group

The Gude people are known to be over two hundred thousand (200,000) population-wise. Also, they speak their language as a first language.

10. Their Food

Since the Gude people can be found in two different states. In each of the state they have their local delicacy but the Gude people mostly consume rice, maize, sorghum and millet.

11. Their Festivals

They celebrate their religious festivals such as Christmas and new year, but they also celebrate some of their traditional festivals.

12. Their Traditional Clothing is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Gude Ethnic Group

The Gude males wear flowing gowns which are called Baban Riga and occasionally cover their heads with a cap. The women, wear wraps on their blouses and cover their heads with hijabs.

13. Their Skin Colour

The Gude people are dark-skinned or black like most of the ethnic groups in Nigeria, though you will still find some fair-skinned people among them due to them marrying from other tribes.


With the above you have gotten to have a little insight into the Gude people, you now know a little about their traditions and about their religion. The Gude people have been a part of Nigeria for generations and they have also prospered in each state.

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