13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kantana Ethnic Group in Nigeria

[This article contains 13 interesting facts about the people of Kantana ethnic group in Nigeria. The Kanembu people are part of the 250 ethnic groups that are found in Nigeria. They belong to the Kanuri-Saharan people cluster and are noted to be found in the northeastern part of Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kantana Ethnic Group

Continue reading to discover amazing Kantana people facts. You will find a lot of interesting things about this tribe.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kantana Ethnic Group in Nigeria

You can learn interesting facts about the people of Kantana ethnic group in Nigeria from the following factors.

1. State Of Residence In The Country

It is important to note that the Kantana people are known to inhabit an area in Plateau state, in the north-central region of Nigeria.

2. Language

The primary language of the Kantana people is the Mama language. The language is a Bantu language spoken in Nigeria with over 60,000 speakers.

3. History is One of the Interesting Facts About the People Of Kantana Ethnic Group 

Before the 20th century, a group of people migrated from the northwest during the Fulani Jihad (Fulani expansion). A lot of people were part of the immigrants and some settled in the mountains that border Nigeria from Cameroon. Now, after the Fulani threat has been removed since the 20th century, some of the immigrants that have evolved into new ethnic groups like the Katana people decided to remain in their current location and maintain their tribe.

4. Occupation

They are mostly farmers with guinea corn as their primary crop. Other crops may include taro, okra, maize, yams, groundnuts, pepper, and vegetables.

5. Food

The most important ingredient for all their meal is cornmeal. Cornmeal is used as a vital ingredient for their breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as in brewing beer which is vital for the male and also for ancestral rituals.

6. Religion is Among the Interesting Facts About the People Of Kantana Ethnic Group 

The Kantara people are predominantly ethnoreligious people and African traditional believers. They believe in the power of their ancestors and occasionally perform rituals and sacrifices which they use as a means of communication to their ancestors.

7. Population

The Katana people have a total numbering of 67,000 people in Nigeria. They are not a small tribe in Nigeria nor are they popular so therefore, they are regarded as minor people.

8. Crafts

The Kantara people are good artists who carve out wooden masks. The matching of the wooden mask is with raffia costumes. Other carved-out items are the prestige items by village leaders.

9. Culture is One of the Interesting Facts About the People Of Kantana Ethnic Group 

They believe that Buffalos and Antelopes are a good sign which brings about a good harvest to the people of Kantara. The sight of these animals indicates material prosperity. Also, the dance with the Buffalo skull is a cultic ritual to prove that the animal in the form of skulls or masks played an important role in their ancestral cult.

10. Alternative Name

The other name for the Kantara people is Mama Katana and some of them reside in western Cameroon.

11. Ethnicity

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People

People Cluster: Benue.

People Group: Mama, Kantana.

Ethnic Code: NA56b.

12. Local Government Area area is Among the Interesting Facts About the People Of Kantana Ethnic Group 

These are the 17 local government areas in Plateau State;

  • Barkini Ladi.
  • Bassa
  • Bokkos
  • Jos East.
  • Jos South.
  • Jos North.
  • Kanam
  • Kanke
  • Langtang North.
  • Langtang South.
  • Mangu
  • Mikang
  • Pankshin
  • Qua’an Pan.
  • Riyom
  • Shendam
  • Wase

13. Plateau State

Plateau State is one of Nigeria’s 36th state in the North Central zone. Its state capital is Jos Plateau and beautiful hills surround it. The description of Plateau is the “home of peace” and “tourism” because of its beautiful rock formations that attract visitors and tourists from all over the world to the state.


In conclusion, the Kantara people are an ethnic group of people who speak the Mama language. They are traditional believers and also worshipers of their ancestors. The people are rich in culture with their crafts and festival of dancing with the Buffalo’s skull.

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