13 Interesting Facts About the People of Gwa (Gurawa) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of Gwa (Gurawa) ethnic group in Nigeria have a long history in the country, there are so many interesting facts about them and you can only learn about some of them when you visit them. Before colonization and modernization, the people have several traditions and cultures some of which are no longer practiced today.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Gwa Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Gwa (Gurawa) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Gwa Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Their State

The Gurawa people can be found in different states in Nigeria due to school and business, but their home state is Bauchi State Nigeria. The state is northeast geopolitical zone of Nigeria and it is bordered by Kano in the North.

2. Their Language

The people have their own ethnic language, this language is called the Gwa language. The people have spoken this language for a very long time, passing it from generation to generation among their people.

3. Their Other Languages is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Gwa Ethnic Group

The Gwa people are known to also speak other languages. They speak the Hausa language due to their close proximity and they also speak the common language of Nigeria which is the English Language.

4. Their Religion

The religion of the Gwa people was their ethnic religion, though they are now Muslims with some of them still practising their ethnic religion and some of them are also Christians.

5. Their Economy

The Gwa (Gurawa) people were known to be excellent hunters though now they are most likely farmers planting crops like maize, millet and others. Though the majority of them are now working in other fields.

6. Their Way of Living is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Gwa Ethnic Group

The Gwa (Guwara) people lived as hunters for a long time, then continue on as farmers, though some of them are still hunters and farmers, modernization has made them seek other profitable jobs such as lawyers, doctors and the like. The people are also quite friendly among each other and with strangers.

7. Their Marriage Traditions

The Gwa people’s marriage traditions have changed over the years with some parts of it no longer practised while others are still practised. One of the practices still followed is the paying of bride price by the groom.

8. Their Festivals

The Gwa people mostly celebrate the Muslim or Christian festivals since those are the major religions that are practised, though their ethnic festivals are still celebrated by some.

9. Their Traditional Wear is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Gwa Ethnic Group

The people of Gwa wear their traditional wear during special occasions such as marriages or naming ceremonies. The people are known to cover their heads with the women using a scarf or cloth and the men wearing a cap.

10. Their Food

Since they are mostly farmers the people of Gwa enjoy plant-based food, one such food enjoyed by them is the Miyan Taushe and it is commonly eaten together with Waina also known as Masa.

11. Their Skin Colour

The Gwa people of Bauchi State are dark-skinned. They are people who live in the north of Nigeria a few light-skinned people can be found among them

12. Their Similarities with Other Ethnic Group is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Gwa Ethnic Group

They share a lot of similarities with other ethnic group around them especially when it comes to food and also their mode of dressing is also close to some other tribes.

13. Their Reachability

When it comes to reachability the people of Gwa are easily reached within their home state, you can easily visit their villages with the help of a car or motorcycle.


With the above, you can safely say that you know a little more about the Gwa (Gurawa) ethnic group in Nigeria, but to become more familiar with them or to learn more about them it is preferable that you visit their home state.

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