13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kirfi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

If you are interested in learning facts about ethnicities in Nigeria, here is an opportunity for you to learn about one minor ethnic group in Nigeria. This guide will educate you on 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kirfi Ethnic Group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kirfi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Here in this guide, you are opportune to learn so much more than ethnicity. You will learn about cultures, the local government area of Kirfi people as well as some nice facts about the people of the state.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kirfi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Keep reading to learn interesting facts about the people of Kirfi ethnic group in Nigeria as well as their resident state.

1. State Of Residence in The Country

Kirfi people are another ethnic group that is found in the northeastern region of Nigeria. Currently, they are found in Bauchi state in Nigeria.

2. Local Government Area

The Kirfi people reside in Kirfi local government area in Bauchi state in Nigeria. There are no records to prove their existence in any other local government area in the state as well as any other state.

3. Language is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Kirfi Ethnic Group

Kirfi language is a language that belongs to Kirfi ethnicity. However, this language faces the danger of extinction with some other Nigerian languages because of the adoption or migration to another language. The Kirfi people who are also called Kirfawa people are known to have a history with Hausa, so fear of the language of Hausa dominating their own language as well as replacing the language is common.

4. Population

Kirfi or Kirfawa people of Nigeria are one of the many minor tribes in Nigeria. In Bauchi state, they are not only non-dominant, but they are also minor in size and ethnicity. Their current population estimate is not known.

5. Ethnicity

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Chadic.

People Group: Kirfi, Kirfawa.

Ethnic Code: NAB60b.

8. Geography Of Kirfi Local Government Area is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Kirfi Ethnic Group

Kirfi local government area is an area of 2,371km square land, with an altitude of 700m. Also in terms of geography, you should note that Kirfi local government area is watered by the Gongola River (Gongola River is the largest right Bank tributary of the Benue). Also, the Kirfi area consists of savannah woodland as we as predominant soil parent materials weathered from Precambrian rocks.

7. Population Of Kirfi Local Government Area

Kirfi local government area is one of those local government areas in Bauchi states that houses different tribes in the area that consists to form a successful local government area. It has a population of about 147,618 estimate of the 2006 population census.

8. Ethnicity In Kirfi Local Government Area

Of the tribes in Kirfi land, the Hausa people are a dominant tribe booming with their identity. Other tribe includes the Kirfawa people or Kirfi people (they also dominate the Kirfi land and they got their name from Kirfi land).

9. Religion is Also an Interesting Facts About the People of Kirfi Ethnic Group

The history of the Kirfi people with the Hausa people also stretches to their religion. The Hausa tribe is a tribe that has influenced the Kirfi people for a long time including their religion. In religion, they are mostly Muslims who got their influence from the Hausa tribe.

10. Sites Of Interest In Bauchi State

The sites of interest in Bauchi state provide opportunities like tourism for the people of the state, this includes the Kirfi tribe. Places such as Yankari National Park which is a key defining feature of Bauchi state. It is a national wildlife park that features waterbuck, African buffalo, as well as many more.

11. Languages in Bauchi State

The languages which the tribes in Bauchi state speak are the West Chadic language groups. Also, there is a division among them into the North as well as South Bauchi languages. Of these languages, the most dominant is the Hausa language, other small languages are Kirfawa, Karekare, Bade, and more.

12. Tribes In Bauchi is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Kirfi Ethnic Group

Bauchi state is home to about 55 tribes in it. These include Karekare, Kirfi, Warjawa, Gerawa, Jarawa, Boyawa Mbadawa, Sayawa, Tarawa, and many more.

13. Geography Of Bauchi State

Bauchi state where the Kirfi people reside divides geographically into wet Sudanian savanna in the south and the drier one in the semi-desert Sahelien savanna in the north. In landmass, Bauchi state is the fifth largest in area. Also, it forms part of the Jos Plateau in the southwest.


To conclude, you have learnt some interesting facts about the people of Kirfi and the area where they stay. Also, you have learnt some good facts about Bauchi state as well as the people of Bauchi state.

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