13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kurama Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Do you wish to know more about the Kurama ethnicity? Here is a good chance to learn fun facts about the Kurama people as well as other ethnic groups in Nigeria. This article contains 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kurama Ethnic Group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kurama Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Kurama people are popularly called the Akurmi people or the Akurmi tribe. They are found in the northern region as well as the northwestern region of Nigeria. Their language family falls under the Benue-Congo language. Also, they are classified as the Benue people cluster.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kurama Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Keep reading to learn interesting facts about the people of Kurama ethnic group in Nigeria as well as their resident state.

1. State Of Residence In The Country

The Kurama ethnic group are found in Kaduna State and Jigawa State. They are found in the northwestern region as well as the northern region of Nigeria.

Also, one fact you should note about their state is these people are more indigenous to Kaduna state than Jigawa state. Another fact about these people’s state of residence is that they are found in some areas in Kano state also.

2. Local Government Area

Lere local government is the main headquarter local government of the Akurmi people in Kaduna state. Other LGAs where the people of Kurama are found in the Saminaka local government area as well as the Ikara local government area in Kaduna state.

Also, you can locate them in Tudun Waya local government area in Kano state. Their current location in Jigawa state still remains a mystery to Nigerians.

3. Language is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Kurama Ethnic Group

The Kurama people who are also known as the Akurmi people speak a language recognized in Kaduna state as the T’kurmi language which is also known as the Kurama language. This language is one of the oldest languages in Kaduna state.

4. History

History record of the Kurama people shows that they are one of the oldest settlers in Kaduna state with a record of over 600 years of settlement.  There is also a possibility that these people show migration history through Maiduguri and Kano before finally landing at Kaduna City.

Also, another school of thought reasoned and argued their history while tracing it back to the middle east before agreeing to the fact that they migrated through Maiduguri and Kano.

5. Ethnicity

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Benue.

People Group: Kurama.

Ethnic Code: NAB56b.

6. Administrative Structure Of Kurama People is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Kurama Ethnic Group

After their settlement in Kaduna state, the people started building an administrative structure for themselves and before the year 2000, they have already come up with a nice structure.

This administrative structure was built by the Akurmi people in the 1800-1900s. It includes the Bugwam Uchimtu as well as Bugwam Akurmi who are the head of the people. Agwama is the chief, Haru-Ungwa is the village head, and Haru-Kura is the head of households.

7. Population Of Kurama People

The people of Kurama reside mostly in the Lere local government area in Kaduna state as well as some parts of Kano state and also Jigawa state. In Nigeria, they have a population estimate of about 70,000 people in Nigeria.

8. Religion

The Akurmi people are mostly or largely Christians. However, it is very important for you to note that they are Christians with great difficulty of practising Christianity because of the lack of availability of the Bible in their language.

They have been Christians for a very long time. Almost since their origin in Kaduna state. Another religion with just a minute population is the ethnoreligious people as well as Islam religion.

9. Occupation is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Kurama Ethnic Group

Most of the Kurama people are farmers who practice subsistence farming. Their major goal for farming is just for survival. There are a selected few who practice commercial farming but the main goal of most of the farmer men is to feed their large household. Other forms of occupation outside farming include mat making, broom making, as well as blacksmith.

10. Notable Past Traditional Leaders Of Akurmi Tribe

See the names of kings (Bugwama) that has made history or a mark in their history.

  • Bugwama Kurderu.
  • Bugwama Dagaza.
  • Bugwama Ucharau Chukka.
  • Bugwama Shawiya.
  • Bugwama Shagiya.
  • Bugwama Maigmo.

Note that these past kings are the pioneers of the journey of the Akurmi people.

11. Past Belief Of Akurmi

While the Akurmi people are now Christians, there are still some indigenes of the tribe who holds on to their past traditional practices. This includes the involvement of oracles which is accessible through a priest which the people fear as well as respect.

The work of the mediator high priest is to communicate the people’s needs to the oracles. The people believe the oracles help to fight against witchcraft, diseases as well as pestilence. They also stop rain from falling sometimes.

12. Present Ruler Of Akurmi is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Kurama Ethnic Group

Currently, the ruler of the Akurmi tribe of the Lere local government area in Kaduna state is HRH Dr Ishaku Sabo Damina after succeeding HRH.Alh. Tanimu Shu’aibu also known as Bugwam- Kurama I, the first paramount ruler.

13. District Of Akurmi

Garun-Kurama, Luwana, and Gurza districts are the three Akurmi districts in the Pirigia chiefdom. These districts are all in Lere LGA. Other districts found there are the seven Akurmi districts in Yerkasuwa and Kayarda wards of Kurama chiefdom, also Abadawa district in Saminika chiefdom.


In conclusion, these facts you just read and learnt are some of the interesting facts about the Kurama ethnic group in Nigeria. You have successfully learned about a particular ethnic group in Nigeria.

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