13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mbube Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Mbube is a very interesting and well know group, here you can learn so many new and interesting facts about these people, in many aspects of their life. For instance, you will get to learn about their location, population, food and so much more. So, let’s get started.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mbube Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mbube Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are some of the amazing facts about the great people of the Mbube ethnic group. And, they include:

1. Location

The Mbube is an ethnic group found mainly in Nigeria. Specifically, Cross River State which is in the southeastern region of Nigeria, in Ogoja local government area. However, a good percent of them have moved to other locations within and outside Nigeria.

2. Religion

They have three main ethnic religions in which the people involve themselves, Christianity, Islam, and their ethnic religion. Moreover, Christianity is the most followed religion. Likely due to British influence, their ethnic religion has lost followers.

3. Population: Facts That are Interesting about the Mbube Ethnic Group

Based on information from the most recent Nigerian census, which took place in the year 2006, there are 63,000 Mbube people. However, this information will get an update after the next national census.

4. Language

The language of the Mbube people is known as the Mbe language. And, the Mbe language has seven vowels: I, e, É›, a, É”, o, and u.

5. Related Ethnic Groups

The information under this category is based on, the distance between ethnic groups, similarity in meals, or similarity in language. So, based on this we have:

6. Their Food is on the List of Interesting Facts about the Mbube Ethnic Group

The great people of the Mu from their farm produce and fish. Also, they make their food using ingredients such as yam, cassava, corn, and rice.

7. Relationships with Nearby Ethnic Groups

So far, the Mbube have coexisted peacefully with ethnic groups around them. Furthermore, they even trade resources and take part in intertribal marriage.

8. Nearby Natural Resources

In this region, you can find the ore for a very important metal that we use in our day-to-day activities, cassiterite, the ore of Tin. And, you can make use of tin in so many ways like covering other metals, glass production, superconducting magnets and so much more.

9. Ethnic Religion: Mbube Ethnic Group Facts that are Interesting to Know

Unfortunately, not much is known in relation to their ethnic religion. And, likely due to the influence of the British Empire.

10. Nearby Ethnic Groups

The people of the Mbube ethnic group reside mainly in the Ogoja local government area. So, we’ll limit it to ethnic groups which are there: Ekajuk, Ishibori, and Igoli.

11. Water

Water is a vital resource, other than usual activities such as cooking, washing, and drinking. However, water serves other purposes like wetting crops and fishing.

12. Occupation is Among the Interesting Facts about the Mbube  Ethnic Group

The people of the Mbube ethnic group are good farmers. Certainly, they are blessed with land and water. Also, farming is used to produce food and as a means of trade. However, many of them are now in other occupations such as teaching and engineering.

13. Nearby Spectacles

Under this aspect, we have a selection of beautiful places that you could get to see around the Mbube location. We have Kwa Falls, Agbokim Waterfalls, the Mary Slessor Tomb, and Toratau Mountain.


Definitely, after reading this article, you have learned some very helpful facts about this ethnic group. So, these are some of the interesting facts you need to know about the great people of the Mbube ethnic group in Nigeria.

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