13 Interesting Facts About the People of Muchaila Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Muchaila ethnic group is another interesting ethnic group that we have loads of facts about the people from that part of the country. So, you’ll get to learn about their, occupations, locations and so much more.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Muchaila Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Muchaila Ethnic Group in Nigeria

1. Location

The people of the Muchalla ethnic group can mainly be found in the northeastern region of Nigeria, specifically in Adamawa state. Moreover, this state is sharing a border with Cameroon.

2. Occupation

Mumuye people are known for their great amount of farmers in the community. They use farming to generate food for community members and as a way to trade. Unfortunately, due to insecurity, many have abandoned their farms. Other than this, they are cattle rearers.

3. Religion is Among the Interesting Facts about the Muchaila Ethnic Group

They are part of three main religions, Christianity, Islam, and their ethnic religion. Islam is the religion with the highest number of followers with their ethnic religion having the least amount of followers.

4. Language

Based on the gathered information, not much is known about the language of the Muchalla people. However, this is likely due to the language not being passed from parents to offspring very often. Moreover, English is now dominant in the area

5. Use of Water

Water is quite an important resource for the Muchalla ethnic group other than their normal uses such as washing, preparation of meals, and bathing. However, they also use it for the cultivation of crops and taking care of animals.

6. Folktales are on the List of the Facts that are Interesting about the Muchaila Ethnic Group

Folktales are a very important part of the development of the Muchalla community. This is because, they are used to pass on the language, teach important life lessons and entertain people around.

7. Crop’s Produced

In the Muchalla ethnic group, farming is a very important thing that they use to generate income and feed their families. So, the crops they produce include cotton, groundnuts, millet, cassava, guinea corn, and yams.

8. Relationships with Other Ethnic Groups

They have so far had peaceful relationships with other ethnic groups, especially the Fulani who were there to help them during their time of need.

9. Related Ethnic Groups: Facts that are Interesting about the Ethnic Group Muchaila

Under this, we have ethnic groups that share similarities to the Muchalla ethnic group in ways such as language, food, and nearness to each other. So, we have Chamba, Fula, Kanuri and Waja.

10. Average Temperature/Humidity and Such

In this region, the average yearly temperature is 30.8°C. Also, the average rainfall is quite high with May, June, July, August, September, and November having the highest yearly rainfall. The average humidity is 45.38.

11. Natural Resources

Other than the vast amount of land they have available and the great amount of water. They are also blessed with loads of mineral resources such as limestone and tantalite.

12. Nearby Spectacles is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Muchaila Ethnic Group

On your way to see the Muchalla ethnic group in Adamawa state, you could get to see these natural beauties. For instance, the three sisters rock in song, Kiri Dam, Kamale Mountain Peak, and Fombina Palace Museum.

13. Food

The people of this community are mainly farmers and therefore, eat mainly what they produce or what they get from trading with nearby communities. So, basically, they make their meals using groundnuts, millet, cassava, and guinea corn.


After reading this article, we hope you have met your desires and more importantly, attained some new knowledge about the great people of the Muchaila ethnic group in Nigeria. So, make sure you have fun while reading through the write-up.

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