13 Interesting Facts About the People of Njayi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Today’s article will be an educative one as it will be teaching you about an ethnic group in Nigeria. There are diverse ethnic groups in Nigeria but today you can learn about the Njayi People. This article contains 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Njayi Ethnic Group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Njayi Ethnic Group

The Njayi people are among the minority groups in Nigeria. The country has a vast population of minority groups when it comes to tribes. You will also get to learn about the state where they reside as this article is an enormous educational package.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Njayi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are interesting facts about the people of Njayi ethnic group in Nigeria as well as their resident state.

1. State of Residence

The Njayi people reside in the northeastern part of Nigeria. The people inhabit Adamawa state in Nigeria.

2. Language

Adamawa state is home to lots of languages. The major one of these languages is Hausa or Fulfulde. The Njayi people are from a cluster of these languages.

3. Education is Among the Facts that are Interesting About the People of Njayi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The state where the Njayi people inhabit houses amazing educational facilities. The people of Njayi send their children to these schools so that can be learned men and women.

4. Healthcare

Although traditional medicine is still in use in their homes, there are also good healthcare centres. The Njayi people use these healthcare centres especially the ones closest to them to treat their sicknesses.

5. State Local Government

The resident state of the Njayi people has different local government areas. The LGA of the state is 21 in number and the Njayi people reside in one of them.

6. Dominant Occupation is Also an Interesting Fact About the People of Njayi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The dominant occupation of the people is agriculture. The people have farmlands where they plant different crops like Sorghum, yam as well as cassava. Also, there are traders, fishers as well as artisans among them. Some of them rear animals like goats, sheep as well as cattle. The educated ones among them involve themselves in white-collar jobs.

7. Religion

The religion with the highest majority in the state is Islam. As such, the people are mostly Muslims with a Christian minority, if there are any amongst them.

8. Marital Customs

The Njayi people practice marriage like most other ethnic groups in Nigeria. The payment of dowry makes society accept a man as the husband of a woman. In many cases, parties are thrown to celebrate the blissful occasion of marriage with the sharing of drinks and food as well as the invitation of friends and families.

9. Development: Interesting Facts About the People of Njayi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The development of Adamawa state affects the development of the Njayi people. The state has been prone to major Islamic as well as Boko Haram insurgencies. This has badly affected the development of the different ethnic groups of which the Njayi people are inclusive.

10. Neighbouring Groups

Njayi people are surrounded by different ethnic groups. Some of them are Yangdang, Higgi, Marghi, Bacama, Kwa, Kilba, Chamba, as well as Nzanyi.

11. Influence

Almost all the ethnic groups in Adamawa state are of Hausa origin. As such, they influence each other. However, they have their unique culture which makes them stand out and the people of Njayi are not left out.

12. Food is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Njayi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people make their traditional food from the different crops which they grow. They make food from crops like yam, cassava, millet, vegetables as well as sorghum.

13. State Geography

The resident state of the Njayi people which is Adamawa state is one of the largest in Nigeria. Borneo state borders it to the northwest, Gombe to the west, as well as Taraba to the southwest. Adamawa state’s eastern border also forms Cameroon’s national eastern border.


Not much is on record or is known about the Njayi people. The contents above will help you to know more about them and also if you want to do more research on the people.

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