13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ninzam Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Ninzam people are part of the 371 ethnic groups forming Nigeria. Their culture and tribe may not be as popular and as widespread as the most common three: Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba, but they are also a very unique tribe. Today’s article contains 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ninzam Ethnic Group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ninzam Ethnic Group

One very important fact you should note down is there is no ethnic group without its own characteristics. Each ethnic group have their own culture, language, history, as well as origin, and dress sense that tells them apart from other tribes. These are parts of the facts you will learn today about the Ninzam people.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ninzam Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are interesting facts about the people of the Ninzam ethnic group in Nigeria as well as their resident state

1. State of Residence in the Country

People of the Ninzam ethnic group in Nigeria are found in two distinct regions in Nigeria. You can find them in the northwestern geopolitical region as well as in the north-central region. They are spread across two distinct states; Kaduna state as well as Plateau state.

They are more indigenous to Kaduna State than to Plateau State. Kaduna state which sits gracefully in the northwest of Nigeria has its capital as Kaduna and also is known as the Center of Learning.

2. Local Government Area

In Kaduna state, the Ninzam people reside in areas of low-lying topography.  They live in Jema’a local government area where they co-relate with other neighbouring tribes and also migrants from other countries.

Also, they live in Sanga local government area in Kaduna state and there may be speculations of them living in Akwanga local government area of Nasarawa state. Amidst all these local government areas in Kaduna state as well as in Nasarawa, state, the local government which they live in Plateau state is Riyom local government area.

3. Economics is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Ninzam Ethnic Group

In the year 2002 to 2008 (about 6 years), Kaduna state ranked 15th largest state in Nigeria’s economy where it generated 3.3% of Nigeria’s GDP and also agriculture 30% SGDP in Kaduna state.

Currently, the states cultivate more cotton and peanuts for exporting purposes and also extract peanut oil for exporting purposes. It is the tribes in the states that come together to ensure that the economy of Kaduna state is effective.

4. Language

Currently, they speak the Ninzo language and this language is a western Plateau language in the Middle Belt of Nigeria. The Ninzo language success the Samba language after its extinction.

5. Population

In the states where they live in Nigeria, the Ninzam people have a population estimate of about 131,000 people.

6. Ethnicity is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Ninzam Ethnic Group

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Benue.

People Group: Ninzam, Ninzo.

Ethnic Code: NAB56b.

7. Religion

The bulk of the population are ethno-religious people. They believe more in the practice of their tribe, their ethnicity and their origin than any other belief. They are a few of them that are Christians, about 6 per cent in the population, while some practice Islam religion and also paganism.

8. Occupation of the Ninzam People

Ninzam people are predominantly farmers. They have been farmers for a very long time while maintaining few other occupations for survival. There are people who are involved in both farming and fishing and also others who go into tin mining jobs in Godogodo town.

9. Geography is Also an Interesting Facts About the People of Ninzam Ethnic Group

The Ninzam people of Jema’a local government area occupy a low-lying topography land with gently rolling plains along each side. Two mighty rivers defend the land, one to the northwestern side of the area and the other to the southeastern side of the area. These rivers are the River Wonderful and also Sanga or Kogum River respectively.

The River Wonderful gets its name from the people because it claims lives so much. In addition to these, the area is flooded by numerous hills and valley streams. The land supports the farming of the people as well as the stew and rivers support the fishing occupation of the people.

10. Traditional Rulers

All tribes and all ethnic groups must have a supreme head that governs the affairs of the people whilst also maintaining the stability of the ethnic group. The Ninzam people are no different. They have their own supreme traditional head which is often referred to as Uchu Ninzo. He is a second-class Chief and is part of the Ninzam Chiefdom but only that he is the head.

11. Politics

Selection of the Uchu Ninzo is done. It is not an election process nor is it by bloodline. An Uchu Ninzo must have to undergo selection so he can serve his time and tenure. The people do not get to select their leader, rather they leave the selection process in the hands of the wise men of the tribe.

These wise men are the chiefs that come together to form the Chiefdom. Also, not just any member of the tribe is to be selected. He must be part of the Chiefdom.

12. Neighbouring Communities

The people of the Ninzam tribe in Jema’a local government areas share boundaries with 6 other local government areas. 4 in Kaduna state and 1 in Plateau state and also one in Nasarawa state.

They share boundaries with Jaba to the west, Sanga to the east, Kaura to the northeast, and also Zangon Kataf to the north in Kaduna state. While to Nasarawa state, they connect through the south via Karu local government area and also to Plateau state through the east via Riyom local government area.

13. Neighbouring Tribes are Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Ninzam Ethnic Group

Jema’a local government area houses a good number of tribes which includes the Ninzam tribe. With a population of 278,202 people tribe conglomerate. The neighbouring tribes of the Ninzam people are Fantswam, Berom, Nyankpa, Fulani, Yoruba, Hausa, Gwong, Ham, Nikyob, Atyap, Nyankpa, Bajju, and Nindem.


These are the facts of the Ninzam ethnicity. You should note that these facts are not all there is to the people of Ninzo. There are other more interesting facts about them that make them very unique.

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