13 Interesting Facts About the People of Rindre Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Rindre people are an ethnic group widespread in the north-central region of Nigeria. They are a part of the ethnic groups in that region and also have a numerous population of over a hundred thousand people. In today’s post, you will be learning 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Rindre Ethnic Group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Rindre Ethnic Group

When you learn about an ethnic group, it widens your perspective about them. Also, you get to learn a few things about the Rindre people’s state as well as local government areas. Learning a few things about states and also local government areas helps build your knowledge about Nigeria as a whole.

Interesting Facts About the People of Rindre Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are interesting facts that you can learn about the people of the Rindre ethnic group in Nigeria;

1. State of Residence in the Country

The Rindre people live in the north-central region of Nigeria where they are widespread in different locations. Their primary state is Plateau State where most of them live in large quantities. States like Nasarawa as well as Kaduna state houses a few of them.

2. Local Government Area

In Plateau state, they reside in Riyom local government area and also in Bokkos local government area. They are also found in Wamba local government area, Akwanga local government area, as well as Nasarawa-Eggon local government area in Nasarawa state.

While in Kaduna state they spread across three local government areas which are the Sanga local government area, Jema’a local government area, as well as Kaura local government area.

3, Population is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Rindre Ethnic Group

A recent population census in this ethnic group has not been carried out. However, they keep expanding in size due to an increase in childbirth. As such, they are over a hundred thousand people ranging towards 500, 00p to even up to a million.

4. Language

The common language of the people is Nungu aside from the general pidgin that everyone in the neighbourhood speaks. It is not just a common language to them. It acts as a form of their identity because it is a factor of cultures peculiar to them and no other tribe.

5. Religion

The three major types of religion are practised by the people. Christianity, Islam, and Ethno religion. Of these three, the most practised is ethno-religion with a maximum percentage of about 55 to 60 percent of the population. After ethno-religion, Christianity follows next and then finally Islam with just 10 percent of the population.

6. Ethnicity is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Rindre Ethnic Group

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Benue.

People Group: Nungu.

Ethnic Code: NAB56b.

7. History

History records their origin dating it back to 500 BC based on their findings on archaeological relics in Wamba. This supports the theory that they are migrants of the Kwararafa kingdom which comprises various indigenous ethnic groups of today which includes the Rindre people.

8. Neighbouring Tribes

After their migration from the Wamba tribe in the Kwararafa, they decided to move to Nasarawa and Plateau state. Some of their prominent neighbours are the Hausa, Igbo, Fulani, Eggon, Mada, and some more.

9. Names; Interesting Facts About the People of Rindre Ethnic Group

The name of a particular individual in a tribe signifies a lot. First, it helps people to identify the tribe that the person hails from by hearing just the name. Some people of the Rindre ethnic group who are migrants change their identity (name inclusive) in order to blend in a particular environment.

This has its own effect on the tribe as a whole. One of the major effects is that the names now make them identify as the tribe of the name they bear and hence an increase in a different tribe entirely but a decrease in their tribe population.

10. gods of Rindre

There are five major gods of the Rindre people they are;

  • Kute who is considered the biggest amongst them all and an adult is only allowed to see and worship the god after meeting some specific requirements like the Shutti test.
  • The god of harvest is called Mbuka.
  • Lambu the god of enjoyment.
  • Mbgasa is the god of discipline.
  • Manga is the god of initiation.

11. Marriage

Marriage ties can be done between two lovers from different tribes. The men can marry women from other tribes while the women though it is unlikely for them, they can marry from another tribe. The major benefit is that it adds to their population number.

12. Occupation is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Rindre Ethnic Group

The best form of job they love to do is farming. They farm mostly during the rainy season and harvest in dry seasons. Their other source of income involves fishing, hunting, making crafts and mats as well as also trading.

13. Household

Each Rindre house is governed by the husband who is the man of the house. He takes care of the issues and affairs of the family and runs to his kinsmen for help if the situation is bigger than him.


Their general tribal name is Rindre but not everyone knows them as Rindre. Instead, they are more known as the Nungu people. Others do not know them to belong in this tribe because some of them bear the names of Hausa and Yoruba as well as Igbo names so they recognize them under these tribes.

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