13 Interesting Facts About the People of Oron Ethnic Group in Nigeria

You will be learning 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Oron Ethnic Group in Nigeria from today’s post. The Oron people ethnic group is a multi-ethnic group in Southern Nigeria. They have numerous sub-ethnic groups under them.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Oron Ethnic Group

The people are widespread, and also popular but not as popular as the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. Also, they are a developing group in terms of economy as well as education.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Oron Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are educational and also interesting facts that you can learn about the people of Oron ethnic group in Nigeria.

1. State of Residence in the Country

The multi-ethnic tribal group which is the Oron people lives in the southern region of Nigeria. They are part of the Cross River ethnic groups as well as the Akwa Ibom ethnic group where they live in riverine areas.

2. Local Government Area

These are the locations of the local government area of the Oron people in Akwa Ibom state;

  • Oron
  • Udung Uko.
  • Urue-Offrong-Oruko.

In Cross River state, the Oron people live in just one local government area which us the Bakassi Oron area also known as Bakassi Oron Peninsula LGA.

3. Population is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Oron Ethnic Group 

The people of Oron town in Akwa Ibom have a population estimate of over 250,000 people. This makes the town the 3rd largest following Uyo and Eket local government areas. The Oron nation in Nigeria is a large multi-tribal group and altogether they estimate over 450,000 people in Nigeria.

4. Language

Oro which is largely called Oron is the primary language of the Oron people. The language has similarities to some other dialects such as the Ibibio and Annang people languages. This makes it very easy for them to have proper communication with the Ibibio people and also the Annang people. They speak some other languages like Efai, Okobo, Uda, and Ebughu.

5. Education

Right from their history, the Oron people have always been keen towards education. Even before schools, the older ones educate the younger ones on different aspects, especially their ethnicity and language.

Now, the Hope Waddell Training Institute (in Calabar, 1895) as well as the Methodist Boy’s High School (in Oron, 1905) is among the earlier school foundations in their history and it is still in existence till date. There are other prestigious academic institutions in Oron today and also higher institutions in Calabar and Akwa Ibom states.

6. Ethnicity is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Oron Ethnic Group 

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster Benue.

People Group: Oron.

Ethnic Code: NAB56b.

7. Notable Oron People

These people are prominent people that have a mark in history and are more or less of the tribe. They are;

  • Sir Effiong Etienam.
  • Nelson Effiong.
  • Okon Uya.
  • Abang Okpo.
  • Esin Anwana Esin.
  • Lawrence Etin.
  • Okon Abang.
  • Etim Iyang.
  • John Anwana Esin.

While these names are important, you should note that they are prominent people not just in their tribe and area but in the state at large and some national as well as international.

8. Household and Kinship

Every family in the community has a leader. Firstly, the smaller family unit which consists of the man and wife as well as the children has their leader to be the man. The general family have a daily head who is set to govern the affairs of the family and settles family issues among family members.

The role of the family head does not just stop at settling issues, he also must represent the family during court meetings in the community.

9. Kingship is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Oron Ethnic Group 

Ahtaship is another name for kingship amongst the people. Generally, in all communities and amongst all clans exist a leader. The one who is the Ahta (King) of the entire tribe. The Oron people own the Ahtaship to a legendary hunter.

The hunter whose story tells the history of how kingship started in the Oron tribe came back with sweet yams after two months of his passing and burial and hence was crowned king.

10. Administrative Council

The Ahta which is the King and the ruler of all Ahta people does not just become an Ahta overnight. He will be selected and crowned by the set of people known as councils or Ahta’s councils.

The Ahta must be chosen among the best of the members of the Oron council. After the Ahta, the second most powerful in command is the president general known as the administrative head.

11. Natural Resources

Oron people are one of the richest tribes in Nigeria. The area they live in has high prospects for oil and gas exploration. They have deposits of solid minerals like silica (free), glass sand, and iron, and the land may have gravel.

There is also a mangrove forest that provides them with raw materials for medicines. They have crude oil deposits and a large deposit of clay. Also, they gave seafood like snipers, periwinkle, crayfish, and oyster.

12. Occupation; Interesting Facts About the People of Oron Ethnic Group 

Although the Oron people are rich in crude oil, they love farming and fishing. They produce a variety of food crops which includes rice beans, maize, and more and they also are rich in seafood. Many of them work in the oil and gas reserve industry also.

13. Food

Delicacies like Afang, Edikang Ikong, Ekpang Nkukwo which is also called Ototo in Oron are the main dishes of the Calabar people as well as the Akwa Ibom people. The main traditional dish of the Oron people is Otong as well as Atama soup. The Otong soup goes well with Iwe Ekpang or Ekpang.


Now that you are able to learn about Oron people’s interesting facts, you also have a good knowledge about some facts in Nigeria.

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