13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ogoni Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Ogoni people are a people who are indigenous to Nigeria, the people of this ethnic group have made quite a name for themselves even though they are not as well known as some other more popular ethnic groups in the country. This post will bring some Interesting Facts About the People of the Ogoni Ethnic Group.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ogoni Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ogoni Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Ogoni Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Geographic Location

They primarily inhabit the Ogoniland region, which is located in the southeastern part of Nigeria, in Rivers State. Also, the people of the Ogoni ethnic group can also be found in Akwa Ibom state in Nigeria.

2. Population

The Ogoni population is relatively small compared to other ethnic groups in Nigeria, making up just a fraction of the nation’s total population. Also, they are currently known to be just over two million in number.

3. Their Unique Language is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Ogoni Ethnic Group

In addition, the Ogoni people speak the Ogoni language, which belongs to the Niger-Congo language family. This language is taught to every child raised in Ogoni land and the language is taught orally among the people.

4. Other Languages Spoken

The people of the Ogoni ethnic group also speak other languages such as Khana, Gokana, Tae, and Baen and they also speak the English Language.

5. Non-Violent Protest

The Ogoni people gained international attention in the early 1990s when their leader, Ken Saro-Wiwa, led a non-violent campaign against the environmental degradation caused by oil exploration in their land by multinational companies, particularly Shell.

6. Their Migration is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Ogoni Ethnic Group

Additionally, according to the oral history of the Ogoni people, they migrated from ancient Ghana down to the Atlantic Coast before eventually making their way to the eastern Niger Delta.

7. Environmental Concerns

Due to decades of oil exploration and spills, the Ogoni land has suffered severe environmental degradation, leading to numerous health and ecological problems for the community. Also, these concerns are being worked on to improve the lives of the Ogoni people.

8. Agricultural Traditions

Traditionally, the Ogoni people are skilled farmers, cultivating crops such as yams, cassava, palm oil, and other fruits and vegetables.

9. Their Cultural Festivals is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Ogoni Ethnic Group

In addition, the Ogoni people celebrate various cultural festivals, where they showcase their traditional dances, music, and art. These festivals usually happen once a year and during that time the whole community participates one way or the other.

10. Religion

The Ogoni people have diverse religious beliefs, including Christianity, traditional African religions, and Islam, but you will find the people mostly practising their traditional beliefs or Christianity

11. Art and Crafts

Ogoni people are known for their artistic talents, creating beautiful handcrafted items like pottery, woven baskets, and beadwork, these items are used among the people or traded to other surrounding ethnic groups.

12. Their Social Structure is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Ogoni Ethnic Group

Ogoni society is organized into kinship units, and their traditional leadership structure is based on age groups and councils. Also, they appoint chiefs and form community development bodies which some are recognized by the government while others are not.

13. Natural Resources

Ogoni land has a lot of natural resources, they do not only have fertile fields for planting crops but they are also known to have significant oil reserves, which have been a source of both wealth and conflict for the region.


It’s important to note that while these facts provide a general overview of the Ogoni ethnic group, cultural practices. There is more to learn about the Ogoni people and this can be done by visiting their part of Nigeria.

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