13 Interesting Facts About the People of Warji Ethnic Group in Nigeria

If you want to learn about the Warji people’s ethnicity this article is the best guide to put you through basic and valid facts about the Warji people tribe. In this article, you will learn 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Warji Ethnic Group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Warji Ethnic Group

The Warji people traces their history to Kano state and some other northern state they have occupied before finally settling in their current location which they have been occupying for more than decades. These pasts states have played an important role in shaping them into what they are today, like in their religion and also the language that is now commonly spoken.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Warji Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are educational and also interesting facts about the people of the Warji ethnic group in Nigeria to learn;

1. State of Residence in the Country

Bauchi state has been the home to the Warji people for many generations now. It sits in northeastern Nigeria. Its capital city name is Bauchi.

2. Local Government Area; Interesting Facts About the People of Warji Ethnic Group

They occupy Ningi local government area in Bauchi state, Nigeria. Ningi is part of the twenty local government areas in Bauchi state and it is located in the southern part of Bauchi state.

3. Population

146,000 people population estimate. This population size is not the largest but it is very significant compared to others which are smaller than it in size.

4. Language is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Warji Ethnic Group

Warji language is a Chadic language by the Warji. They speak Hausa more because of the influence they have had in Kano state.

5. Religion

Warji people are mostly Islamic people with about 80 percent of the population. While Christians are just about 20 percent of the people. No other notable religion is present. Their Islamic nature is a great influence by the Hausas during their stay in Kano.

6. Ethnicity is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Warji Ethnic Group

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Chadic.

People Group: Warji.

Ethnic Code: NAB960b.

7. Relationship with other tribes

They were greatly influenced by the Hausa people and they are still greatly influenced by them today. They bear similarities in culture with the Afawa people as well as Butawa. Their relationship with the Butawa people is a geographical relationship as well as a political one.

8. Wards; Interesting Facts About the People of Warji Ethnic Group

In each Warji village, there are different wards including the extended family and each ward has a male leader leading the affairs of the family. The leader must be the eldest male of the family. Every ward has a clubhouse which is usually a combination of strong benches with seats as stone slabs in a round shelter. The youths too have their clubhouse which is identified by red and white paint.

9. Geography

Travelling in and out of the Warji people’s villages is very difficult because the area is mostly mountainous terrain with very poor roads. However, most of the land is well-watered and fertile. It has different streams acting as sources of water while the Delimi and Bunga are the Rivers there.

10. Marriage is also an Interesting Facts About the People of Warji Ethnic Group

Girls and women must be approved by the parents and elders of a young man before he can proceed with marital rites. After the acceptance of the girl by his parents, he must then proceed to perform the marital rite for the bride-to-be in her family’s compound.

The marital rite is mostly manual work which can either be farming or helping out with some hard chores.  Polygamy is normal and common practice amongst the Warji people and also wives gets to leave their husband and marriage if they want to.

11. Circumcision

After the birth of a male child, a circumcision ritual must be done for him so he can transform into a man. This happens between the ages of 4 to 7, after the circumcision, he uses 2 months to heal and also performs rigorous exercise as well as training in a sacred forest. Afterwards, he comes back home and a festival awaits him to welcome him into manhood.

12. Occupation; Interesting Facts About the People of Warji Ethnic Group

The basis of their source of income is farming. The farmers grow guinea corn, sweet potatoes, rice, and so much more. There are also fishermen and hunters as well. While some men raise pigs, goats, and horses, and also involve in poultry production.

13. Ceremonies

The major ceremony of the people is the circumcision ceremony. There is also the Yinna festival for the youth to show their strength and bravery. There is also a festival ceremony to celebrate planting and harvesting seasons and also rain cult.


Finally, you need to note that the Warji people’s culture extends more than the aforementioned facts of this article. There are more facts about the Warji people that you can learn and build on to know more about the Warji ethnicity.

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