13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mama Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Mama ethnic group is a small ethnic group in Nigeria and there are still interesting facts about these people. Below you will learn a little more about this ethnic group that is indigenous to Nigeria. The group has been in the country for generations. They also have interesting folklore and myths that have been passed from generations.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mama Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mama Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Mama Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Their Primary State

The Mama people can be found in different states, some for schooling, some for business and so on. But this ethnic group primarily resides in Plateau State in Nigeria.

2. Language

The Mama people speak their own Language and this language is taught orally to the younger generation. They have also adapted to speak the language of neighbouring ethnic groups.

3. Their Occupation is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Mama Ethnic Group

Historically, the Mama people were known for their agricultural practices, with farming being a primary occupation. The Modern Mama people are also in several occupations such as teaching.

4. Religion

Traditional religion plays an important role in the Mama culture, although Christianity and Islamism have also gained some influence in recent years. With the majority of them being Christians.

5. Festivals

Like many other Nigerian ethnic groups, the Mama people have traditional festivals and ceremonies to celebrate important occasions and events. These festivals are also done annually and can sometimes last days.

6. Their Marriage is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Mama Ethnic Group

In addition, among the Mama people, marriage involves elaborate traditional ceremonies and rituals, often accompanied by music and dancing. Marriage is also a very significant event and it is highly valued by the people.

7. Society Cohesion

The Mama people have a strong sense of community and practice communal living, with extended families often living together in compounds. They place a very high value on family.

8. Folklore and Myths

The Mama people have a rich folklore tradition, with numerous myths, legends, and proverbs passed down through generations. The younger generation is told these myths and folklore so as to learn from their history.

9. Their Traditional Clothing is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Mama Ethnic Group

The Mama people have their unique traditional attire, which includes colourful fabrics and accessories adorned with intricate patterns and designs.

10. Cultural Heritage

Despite their relatively small population, the Mama people continue to preserve their cultural heritage and maintain a distinct identity within the larger Nigerian society.

11. Musical Instruments

The Mama people celebrate festivals, occasions and events with their traditional musical instruments such as gongs, drums, flutes and more.

12. Their Traditional Cuisine is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Mama Ethnic Group

The traditional Cuisine of the Mama people contains food such as maize, cocoyam, potatoes, rice, Bambara nut and many more.

13. Dance

Dancing is also an important part of the Mama culture as dance is performed for special occasions with the dancers wearing traditional dance regalia with different beads as accessories.


It’s important to note that if you want more information about the Mama ethnic group it is best to consult with experts that would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the Mama ethnic group or you can visit them in their primary state in Nigeria.

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