13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tigon Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Tigon Ethnic group is a minority ethnic group in Nigeria. Their culture and traditions have been preserved over time even in the midst of modernization. The people of this ethnic group have lived in Nigeria for generations and have a very rich history in the country. This post will bring some Interesting Facts About the People of Tigon Ethnic Group.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tigon Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tigon Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Tigon Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Population

The population of the Tigon ethnic group is over fifty thousand in number, they also belong to the minority ethnic group in Nigeria and are not well known like some of the other ethnic groups in the country.

2. Location

The people of the Tigon ethnic group have a specific location which they call their homeland in Nigeria. This place is Taraba State in Nigeria, the state is also one of the most populous states in the country.

3. Their Local Government Area is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Tigon Ethnic Group

The people of Tigon only occupy a part of Taraba State, which is also home to other ethnic groups in the country. Also, the people of the Tigon Ethnic group can be found in the Kurmi Local Government Area of the state.

4. Language

Another interesting fact about this ethnic group is their language. They speak their own Language which is called Tigon, but the language is going extinct due to modernization and also their low population.

5. Other Language Spoken

In order to adapt to modernization and to be able to communicate more effectively with their neighbours, the people of the Tibon ethnic group learn to speak other languages such as Hausa and also their home country’s official language which is English.

6. Their Religion is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Tigon Ethnic Group

The people of Tibon ethnic group mostly practice their ethnic religion with only a few percentage of them being Christians.

7. Craftsmanship

The people of Tibon are great at craftsmanship, they make sculptures of all kinds, make beautiful textile materials, make pots and so many other things with their hands. These are also later traded to others for income.

8. Natural Resource

They are blessed with mineral resources Mineral raw materials such as Barytes, Bauxites, Graphite, Limestone, Gypsum, Kaoline, Feldspar and  Agro-raw materials such as Maize, Millet, Sorghum, Rice, Groundnut, Cassava and many more.

9. Their Oral Education System is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Tigon Ethnic Group

The Tibon people teach their children orally about their history, culture and traditions. From when a child is old enough they are told stories about the history of their people and are taught their traditions.

10. Local Delicacy

You will find the people of Tigon ethnic enjoying foods such as pounded yam, maize, and Garri which are gotten from locally produced crops. They also buy and eat foreign crops that are not grown by them.

11. Music and Dance

The Traditional music and dance of the Tigon ethnic group are mostly now performed during special occasions, they also enjoy modern music and have produced some great musicians and dancers in today’s world.

12. Their Tradition Healers is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Tigon Ethnic Group

Traditional healers make use of various herbs to help those who are Ill. Before modern medicine was introduced the Tigon rely on local healers.

13. Marriages

Marriage is important for the people of Tigon as it is a means for them to continue to live on. In the Tigon society a man is able to marry more than one wife and their society is patriarchal.


With the above, you now have insight into their lifestyle. The people of Tigon have so much history that are not in this article and visiting them is one of the best way for you to learn more.

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