13 Interesting Facts About the People of Yott Ethnic Group in Nigeria

If you’d like to learn about the Yott people, you’re in the right place as we’ll be discussing 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Yott Ethnic Group in Nigeria. The Yott people specifically reside in Taraba state. They have a rich cultural heritage with various aspects that shape their identity.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Yott Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Yott Ethnic Group in Nigeria

These interesting facts you are about to read about the people of the Yott ethnic group in Nigeria will teach you about them;

1. History

The Yott people are believed to have migrated to the Taraba state from the Cameroon highlands during the 17th century.

2. Language

They speak the Yott language, which belongs to the Chadic language family and is closely related to the Mumuye language. Yott is a tonal language, meaning the pitch or tone in which a word is spoken can alter its meaning.

3. Subdivisions; Interesting Facts About the People of Yott Ethnic Group

The Yott people are divided into a number of clans, each of which is headed by a chief.

4. Festivals

They have a number of traditional festivals, including the Yott New Year Festival, which is celebrated in January. They also have the Yott Harvest Festival, which is celebrated in September.

5. Traditional food

The people of Yott ethnic group have a number of traditional foods. They have the mugu, which is a type of millet porridge; gwari, which is a type of bean stew; as well as kunu, a type of millet beer.

6. Crafts; Interesting Facts About the People of Yott Ethnic Group

They have a number of traditional crafts, including pottery, weaving, as well as wood carving.

7. Traditional instruments

The Yott people have a number of traditional musical instruments, including flutes, drums, and rattles. These instruments are used to accompany traditional dances and songs.

8. Traditional Dances

These people have a number of traditional dances like the Yott War Dance, which is a type of warrior dance. They also have the Yott Fertility Dance, which they perform to celebrate fertility.

9. Proverbs; Interesting Facts About the People of Yott Ethnic Group

Some of the most common Yott proverbs include
• “A good neighbour is better than a distant relative.”
• “A wise man learns from his mistakes, but a fool learns from the mistakes of
• “A single grain of sand does not make a hill.”

10. Taboos

They have a number of taboos. Some of these taboos include eating the meat of certain animals, such as crocodiles and snakes; walking under a ladder; as well as spilling salt.

11. Discrimination and racism

The Yott people face discrimination and racism, both in Nigeria and in the diaspora. This discrimination can take many forms, including verbal abuse, physical violence, and economic exploitation.

12. Social organization; Interesting Facts About the People of Yott Ethnic Group

Their organization is into clans, which are patrilineal and exogamous. This means that people inherit their clan membership from their fathers, and the tradition forbids them from marrying within their own clan.

13. Gender roles and norms

Their traditional gender role system has men as the heads of households, and women responsible for local tasks. However, there is a growth trend in women’s empowerment, and women are increasingly participating in the decision-making processes.


The Yott people are resilient and resourceful, and also a proud people who are making great strides in the 21st century. The Yott people are a people to watch, and they are sure to make great things in the future.

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