13 Interesting Facts About the People of Sura Ethnic Group in Nigeria

AlsoThe Sura ethnic group is an ethnic group found in the Niger State of Nigeria, especially
in the areas around the towns of Bida, Katcha, and Lapai. They are believed to be a
subgroup of the larger Nupe ethnic group. Stick around and explore 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Sura Ethnic Group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Sura Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Sura Ethnic Group in Nigeria

These interesting facts you are about to read about the people of the Sura ethnic group in Nigeria will teach you about them;

1. Origin

The people of the Sura ethnic group are believed to have originated in the Niger River valley, and they have been living in the area for centuries.

2. Population

They are estimated to number around 500,000 people and are the third largest ethnic group in the Niger State of Nigeria.

3. Language; Interesting Facts About the People of Sura Ethnic Group

The Sura language is a dialect of the Nupe language.

4. Occupation

These people are predominantly farmers, growing crops such as millet, sorghum, and rice.

5. Religion

The Sura people are traditionally polytheistic, but many have converted to Islam or Christianity.

6. Rulership is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Sura Ethnic Group

The people of Sura have a traditional king who bears the traditional title of Etsu. They choose the Etsu from a specific lineage, and he is responsible for leading the Sura people and upholding their traditions.

7. Marriage Custom

The Sura people practice a system of arranged marriage, in which the parents of the bride and groom choose their partners. The wedding ceremony is a large and festive event, and it is often attended by hundreds of people.

8. Skill Set

They are skilful weavers, and they produce a variety of textiles, including cloth, mats, as well as baskets. The Sura people are also famous for their beadwork, which they use for the decoration of clothing, jewellery, and other objects.

9. Oral Tradition is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Sura Ethnic Group

They have a rich oral tradition, which includes stories, songs, and proverbs. The stories are for the purpose of passing down tradition from generation to generation, and it is a way to preserve the Sura people’s history and culture.

10. Traditional Medicine

The people of the Sura ethnic group are infamous for their unique system of traditional medicine, which uses herbs and also other natural remedies. The traditional medicine is still widely in use today, and it is very effective.

11. Initiation Rites

The Sura people are famous for their complex system of initiation rites, which mark the transition from childhood to adulthood. The initiation rites are often a long and difficult process, and it is to test the young person’s strength, courage, as well as knowledge.

12. Festivities; Interesting Facts About the People of Sura Ethnic Group

At festivals, the Sura people are popular for their elaborate masquerades, which often perform during these festivals. They often use the masquerades to tell stories as well as teach moral lessons. Also, the use of music and dancing accompanies the masquerades as they are a popular form of entertainment.

13. Strength

This group of people are resilient people, and they have overcome many challenges throughout their history. There have been attacks on them by invaders from other groups and there have also been famine and drought in their land. However, they have always managed to survive and maintain their culture.


The Sura are a fascinating and diverse group of people with a rich culture and history. Hope you enjoyed learning about them.

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