Call for youth participants: 4th Migration Youth Forum and Youth Leadership & Innovation Award for Migration | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the 4th Migration Youth Forum and Youth Leadership & Innovation Award for Migration. Details about the Program are given below.

4th Migration Youth Forum and Youth Leadership & Innovation Award

About 4th Migration Youth Forum and Youth Leadership & Innovation Award

This year, youth will sit at the same table as governments, mayors, business leaders, and civil society stakeholders to discuss common migration policy priorities and actions at the GFMD. The Migration Youth and Children Platform (MYCP), in partnership with IOM – UN Migration, are thus organising a 4th Migration Youth Forum as an official youth preparatory space to the 14th GFMD Summit.
The Migration Youth Forum is a platform that prepares young people before their participation in the GFMD Summit. Our main bid is to deliver on a strong, inspirational and substantive youth presence at the 14th GFMD Summit. 

Program Details

The Youth Forum will be held on the 21st of January 2024, two days prior to the beginning of the GFMD Summit in Geneva, Switzerland and online. Obligatory online capacity building workshops will be organised throughout January. The Migration Youth Forum is the official preparatory space for youth to consolidate and exchange priorities, recommendations, youth-led solutions and best practices. The Youth Forum will be a peer-to-peer space to learn about the importance of the GFMD and how to contribute to it effectively, as well as provide a solid network of support during the days of the Summit.


In conjunction with the Migration Youth Forum, this year we are launching a space for young people to present their existing solutions to issues around migration and development: The 2nd Youth Leadership and Innovation Award for Migration.

The Award will showcase existing initiatives aiming to empower and improve the living conditions of young people on the move. Finalists will receive support in their ongoing journey, with a mentorship support, seed funding for their initiative, and the chance to participate in the Youth Forum and be part of the GFMD process. Young entrepreneurs, leaders and youth-led start-ups and organisations are invited to apply.

Note: there is only one application form, in which you will be asked to indicate whether your primary interest is the Youth Forum or the Innovation Award. If you apply for the Award, your application will also be automatically considered for the Youth Forum.


  • Age Range: Be between 18 and 30 years old (inclusive) at the time of participation at the Youth Forum and the GFMD Summit.

  • Language: In order to meaningfully participate in all discussions and capacity building workshops, in-person participants should have at least an intermediate level of English (CEFR B2 level). Online participants should be conversant in either English, Spanish, French, and/or Arabic.

  • Commitment: Be able to fully commit to actively participate during the Youth Forum and/or GFMD Summit, as well as in any preparatory and post-event activities.

  • Application Process: Duly fill out the online application form and submit it before the deadline (September 15, 23:59 CET)

  • (For in-person attendees only) Ability to Travel: Be in a position to travel to the host country (Geneva, Switzerland). This includes having a valid passport, necessary travel documents, and possibly obtaining a visa if required. (Please note: MYCP will be supporting selected applicants in obtaining visas such as through providing them with official invitation letters, accommodation assistance, etc. but MYCP is not able to guarantee the issuance of visas to any applicant)

4th Migration Youth Forum and Youth Leadership & Innovation Award 2023  Application

For those interested in 4th Migration Youth Forum Award . Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 September 2023.

Open this link for more details about 4th Migration Youth Forum Award .

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