FIFA Foundation Community Programme 2024 (up to $30,000) | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the FIFA Foundation Community Programme 2024. Details about the Program are given below.

FIFA Foundation Community Programme 2024

About FIFA Foundation Community Programme 2024

The FIFA Foundation Community Programme works with local projects around the world that use the power of football to effect positive social change and to address the most pressing global challenges facing underprivileged children and young people within the communities in which they operate.

In 2023, 114 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) were accepted onto the programme, which enables each applicant to apply for funding of up to USD 30,000 to help support football-related projects and initiatives within the communities in which they run. As the 2024 application process begins, FIFA Foundation Executive Chairman Mauricio Macri has called on even more organisations to apply for this unique opportunity.

Program Details

“In 2022 and 2023, we’ve witnessed football’s ability to unite the world. In the space of eight months, we’ve enjoyed magnificent editions of the FIFA World Cup and the FIFA Women’s World Cup and seen the global appeal of the beautiful game in communities across the planet.

However, this impact doesn’t just happen at the very top levels of the game, but throughout every country and every community in the world. The FIFA Foundation Community Programme recognises and capitalises on football’s ability to make a real impact on the lives of millions of underprivileged children and young adults across the world.

As well as health and enjoyment, it also provides community and companionship – and I’m proud to once again be launching the call for applications to this wonderful programme. I encourage organisations in this sphere to apply and help us to help you make a real difference through football.”

FIFA Foundation Community Programme 2024 Application

For those interested in FIFA Foundation Community Programme 2024. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 15 September 2023.

Open this link for more details about FIFA Foundation Community Programme 2024.

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