13 Interesting Facts About the People of Wurkun Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Wurkun ethnic group in Nigeria are people who have a very long history in the country. They have been around before colonial times and are still around today. There are so many interesting facts about the People of Wurkun Ethnic Group in Nigeria and you are going to learn about some of them.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Wurkun Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Wurkun Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Wurkun Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts will be shared with you in this post.

1. Location

The Wurkun people are primarily located in the Taraba State of Nigeria. The state is in north eastern part of Nigeria and was named after the Taraba River and the state has its capital as Jalingo.

2. Local Government Area

The Wurkun people can be found in Karim Lamido’s local government area in Taraba State of Nigeria, where they share boundaries with other ethnic groups in the state.

3. Their Language is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Wurkun Ethnic Group

The people of Wurkun ethnic group speak the Wurkun language. This language is a minor west Chadic language of Karim Lamido LGA, Taraba State in Nigeria..

4. Other Languages

The Wurkun people also speak languages of surrounding ethnic groups in the state such as Tiv, Fulani, Mumuye, Mambilla and more. They also speak the common language of Nigeria which is the English language.

5. Origin

The people of Wurkun are referred to as the people of the Hills and they are found, alongside other small ethnic groups whose languages belong to the Chadic language Family.

6. Their Occupation is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Wurkun Ethnic Group

The Wurkun people have a strong agricultural background, with farming, rearing of animals and fishing being a significant part of their livelihood. They also work as traders, craftsmen, civil servants, and more.

7. Traditional Religion and Beliefs

Traditional religion and beliefs play a vital role in the Wurkun culture, although some have also adopted Christianity and Islamism you can still find some of their traditional beliefs still in effect in their daily lives.

8. Traditional Dance and Music

Though the Wurkun people’s traditional dance and music are not as performed as once were, they play an essential and significant part in their social gatherings and festivals.

9. Their Society Structure is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Wurkun Ethnic Group

The Wurkun society has a hierarchical structure with chiefs and elders playing important roles, especially for the betterment of the society. The chief and elders make decisions and meet with important dignitaries.

10. Traditional Dressing

The people of this ethnic group have unique dressing styles, often adorned with colourful beads. Their traditional dress is mostly worn during marriages and festivals.

11. Marriage

Marriage is a significant event in Wurkun culture, when a man is interested in marrying a lady his intention must be first made to the lady’s father who will then tell the girl about her suitor and elaborate ceremonies mark the marriage occasion.

12. Their Nature is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Wurkun Ethnic Group

The Wurkun people are known for their hospitality and warm, welcoming nature. They treat their religion with the utmost respect and they also are respectful towards each other..

13. Education

They have many schools and education centres. Education is very important to them and they make sure that their children would be able to become notable people in their society.


These are just a few key facts about the Wurkun people of Taraba State. There is still a lot to learn about them and you can learn more about them by visiting Taraba state. The people are very welcoming and you will also get to witness their lifestyle and culture yourself.

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