ICANN Fellowship Program 2024 to attend the ICANN80 Policy Forum in Kigali, Rwanda | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the ICANN Fellowship Program 2024 to attend the ICANN80 Policy Forum in Kigali, Rwanda. Details about the Program are given below.

ICANN Fellowship Program 2024

About ICANN Fellowship Program 2024

The goal of the ICANN Fellowship Program is to strengthen the diversity of the multistakeholder model by fostering opportunities for individuals from underserved and underrepresented communities to become active participants in the ICANN community.

Program Details

Fellows are exposed to the workings of the ICANN community, are assigned a mentor, and receive training across different areas of knowledge and skill building before, during, and after an ICANN Public Meeting. Travel assistance to attend the meeting is also provided.

Fellowship participants come from a variety of backgrounds. Check out program participants and statistics for more information.


Candidates from all regions and sectors are welcome to apply to the ICANN Fellowship Program.

Participants of the Fellowship Program must:

  • Be at least 21 years of age
  • Be interested in, or already engaged in, the various components of ICANN‘s work in policy building, the operation of the Domain Name System and the security and stability of the global Internet
  • Complete mandatory ICANN Learn course(s); learn more here
  • NOT be involved in or associated with other ICANN supported travel programs at time of selection
  • Policy Forum applicants must have successfully completed an ICANN Fellowship
  • Have previously received no more than two fellowships; second and third time fellows must prove their involvement and engagement in one of the ICANN communities (learn more here)

Returning fellows will be considered for the Tarek Kamel Fellowship Recognition. The award recognizes the outstanding contributions of fellows in furthering ICANN‘s capacity development efforts in their respective regions. Learn more here.

ICANN Fellowship Program 2024 Application

For those interested in ICANN Fellowship Program 2024. Open this link to start the application process. The Fellowship application round for ICANN80 Policy Forum* is now open.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 16 December 2023.

Open this link for more details about the ICANN Fellowship Program 2024.

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