Videatur Community Film Program 2024 | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the Videatur Community Film Program 2024. Details about the Program are given below.Videatur Community Film Program

About Videatur Community Film Program 2024

The program is free of charge and open to Toronto residents aged 18-29. This project specifically serves first-time filmmakers and artists from QTBIPOC+ communities. We are defining first-time filmmakers as individuals who have yet to receive external funding for their project(s). Previous participants are not eligible to apply.

Tell us a bit about yourself! General Questions:

  • Why do you want to participate in this program? (~150 words)

  • What is your relevant experience? Feel free to share any artistic pursuits (photography, music, film) or experience you feel showcases the work you’ve done in the past.

  • Share with us an example that you think demonstrates your leadership experience.

  • List 3 of your favourite movies/tv shows!

Program Details

Tell Us About Your Project! What is the short that you want to make in this program? Please note that this program supports shorts up to 5 minutes long. Can be any genre in a scripted format (drama, comedy, experimental etc.)

  • Short description of project – genre, what is it about, etc.? (~100 words)

  • Why do you want to make this project? (~150 words)

  • How will you use the money to make this film? (No need to submit budgets, we just want to see your thought process – are you paying cast and crew? Do you have a location in mind? Etc.)

  • Please submit your outline or rough draft of the script or pitch deck! (outline/rough draft max. 10 pages or pitch deck max. 2 pages)


To submit an application for this year’s program, please ensure you have the following items prepared:
1. Outline or rough draft of a script or pitch deck
2. An idea of how you’ll be using the $1000 (could be a rough budget or paragraph description)

Videatur Community Film Program 2024 Application

For those interested in the Videatur Community Film Program 2024. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 December 2023.

Open this link for more details about Videatur Community Film Program 2024.

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