OSCE South-Eastern Europe Youth Dialogue Forum 2024 (Funded)

This informs the public about the OSCE South-Eastern Europe Youth Dialogue Forum 2024. Details about the Program are given below.

 OSCE South-Eastern Europe Youth Dialogue Forum 2024

The Forum aims to build confidence and trust among young women and men across South-Eastern Europe and to enhance their participatory capacities, especially critical thinking, public speaking and presentation skills, which are crucial for their meaningful and effective engagement and participation in decision-making processes related to preventing organized crime and corruption.

Program Details

The Forum seeks to gather up to 25 young women and men between 18-28 years old from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia to discuss security issues and challenges they face, such as organized crime and corruption, and to share their ideas on how to strengthen the rule of law, integrity and crime prevention within their communities and the region as a whole.


  • Coverage of participation costs, including:
    i. Travel to Durres: direct purchase of round-trip flight tickets (travel to and from departing cities is participants’ own responsibility) or reimbursement of ground travel expenses after the event,
    ii. accommodation (for the duration of the event),
    iii. meals during the entire stay in Durres (breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee breaks).
  • Capacity-building sessions on topics such as organized crime, corruption and youth crime prevention, public speaking and debating, as well as project development and pitching.
  • Peer-to-peer exchanges and networking. Opportunity to pitch developed project ideas to
    relevant international actors supporting youth.


To be eligible for participation in the event, applicants
must be:

  • between 18 and 28 years of age (by 20 May 2024);
  • citizens of one of the following OSCE participating States: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia;
  • fluent in English (the working language of the event is English; no translation will be provided);
  • experienced or have demonstrated interest in the topics of organized crime and corruption prevention;
  • active and engaged members of their local communities with an interest in promoting regional youth cooperation across South-Eastern Europe;
  • available to participate in person during the event.

How to Apply

For those interested in the OSCE South-Eastern Europe Youth Dialogue Forum 2024. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 25 March 2024.

Open this link for more details about OSCE South-Eastern Europe Youth Dialogue Forum 2024.

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