Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Environmental Education

Many universities in Nigeria offer environmental education. Therefore, if you want to study this course, knowing the list of universities providing it is essential. So, in this article, we will give you the complete list of universities in Nigeria offering guidance and counselling.

Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Environmental Education

Environmental Education teaches people about the environment and why it’s essential. But it’s not just about knowing things; it’s about doing something. It helps people make better environmental choices, like using less plastic or saving energy.

It also encourages people to get involved in activities that help protect nature, like planting trees or cleaning up trash. So, instead of just learning, Environmental Education helps people take action to make a positive difference for the environment.

Below are the universities in Nigeria that offer environmental education.

Federal Universities

There are many federal universities in Nigeria offering this course. Some of these universities are top universities where you can study this course. Below is the list of universities in Nigeria offering this course.

  • University of Abuja
  • University of Benin
  • Bamidele Olumilua University of Education
  • University of Calabar
  • University of Port-Harcourt
  • Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University

Private Universities Offering Environmental Education

Unfortunately, there is only one private university in Nigeria offering this course. Below is the private university

  • Sultan Abubakar University of Education

State Universities

There are only two state universities in Nigeria offering this course. These universities are;

  • Shehu Shagari University of Education
  • Osun State University

Where Can Environmental Education Graduates Work in Nigeria?

Many jobs are available for those who studied this course, but they are competitive. Students should ensure that they graduate with a reasonable degree. Below are some careers available for one with a degree in environmental education.

  • Government Agencies
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Research Institutions
  • Education Sector
  • Corporate Sector
  • Community Development Organizations
  • Environmental Journalism and Communication
  • Environmental Entrepreneurship

Is Environmental Education a Good Course to Study in Nigeria?

Yes, this is a fantastic course to study because Environmental Education graduates have diverse career options across various sectors, including government agencies, NGOs, research institutions, education, corporate sustainability departments, community development organizations, and media outlets. This versatility provides job opportunities and career growth potential.

Are Environmental Education courses hard to study in universities?

This course can be challenging, but the difficulty level can vary depending on individual strengths, interests, and the program you’re enrolled in. So, here are some factors to consider regarding the difficulty of this field;

  • Individual aptitude
  • Academic background
  • Faculty and Resources
  • Interdisciplinary Approach
  • Interest and Passion

Years of studying Environmental Education courses in Nigerian universities.

Studying this course at a Nigerian university will take four years to earn a degree. During these four years, you will learn about this course, such as teaching methods, curriculum development, and classroom management, specifically tailored for young children.


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