List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Guidance & Counselling

Many universities in Nigeria offer guidance and counselling. Therefore, if you want to study this course, knowing the list of universities providing it is essential. So, in this article, we will give you the complete list of universities in Nigeria offering guidance and counselling.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Guidance & Counselling

Guidance and Counselling combine elements of academic and career advice with psychological counselling to support individuals in achieving personal, educational, and professional success.

Counsellors also provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment where clients can explore their thoughts and feelings, develop coping strategies, and work towards positive change. Below is the list of universities in Nigeria offering this course.

State Universities

Federal Universities Offering Guidance & Counselling

Private Universities

Where Can Guidance & Counselling Graduates Work in Nigeria?

Many jobs are available for those who studied this course but are competitive. With this, students should ensure to graduate with a reasonable degree. Below are some of the careers available for one with a degree in Guidance and Counselling

  • Clinical Therapist
  • Chemical Dependency Counselor
  • Alcohol Counselor
  • Drug Counselor
  • Addictions Counselor
  • Higher Education Counselor
  • Home Therapist

Is Guidance & Counselling a Good Course to Study in Nigeria?

Guidance and Counselling can be an advantageous course of study in Nigeria or anywhere else. Like any other career path, it’s essential to consider personal interests, skills, and long-term goals before choosing a course of study.

If you have a genuine interest in helping others and have good communication skills, empathy, and emotional resilience, Guidance and Counselling could be an excellent fit for you.

Are Guidance & Counselling courses hard to study in universities?

This course can be challenging, but the difficulty level can vary depending on individual strengths, interests, and the program you’re enrolled in. So, here are some factors to consider regarding the difficulty of this field;

  • Individual aptitude
  • Academic background
  • Faculty and Resources
  • Interdisciplinary Approach
  • Interest and Passion

Years to study Guidance & Counselling courses in Nigerian universities.

Studying this course at a Nigerian university will take four years to earn a degree. During these four years, you will learn about this course, such as using psychological counselling to support individuals in achieving personal, educational, and professional success.


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