Universities in Nigeria Offering Adult and Non-Formal Education

Universities in Nigeria offering Adult and Non-Formal Education programs allow individuals to enhance their knowledge and skills beyond traditional classroom settings. These programs cater to diverse learners, including adults seeking continuing education, individuals with special needs, and marginalized populations.

Universities in Nigeria Offering Adult and Non-Formal Education

By blending innovative teaching methodologies with flexible learning approaches, universities empower learners to pursue education tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.

Many universities in Nigeria do not offer this course. However, the list of universities that offer Adult and Non-Formal Education is provided in the section below.

Federal Universities Offering Adult and Non-Formal Education

The University of Port-Harcourt is the only University that offers Adult and Non-Formal Education in Nigeria.

Is Adult and Non-Formal Education a Hard Course?

Adult and Non-Formal Education can vary in difficulty depending on individual circumstances and study habits. For some, it might be challenging due to its flexible nature and the need for self-discipline in managing time and resources effectively.

However, the content itself isn’t inherently harder than other university courses. It often involves practical applications and real-life experiences, making it more accessible for many learners. While it may present challenges, with dedication and a genuine interest in lifelong learning, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling course of study.

Is Adult and Non-Formal Education a Good Course?

Adult and Non-Formal Education can be an excellent university course to study in Nigeria. It offers opportunities for personal growth, career advancement, and social impact.

In addition, Adult and Non-Formal Education programs often focus on practical skills and real-life applications, empowering learners to address societal challenges and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

How Many Years Does it Take to Study Adult and Non-Formal Education?

Studying Adult and Non-Formal Education in Nigeria typically takes four years for a bachelor’s degree program. This duration may vary depending on the university and specific program requirements.

After completing a bachelor’s degree, students may pursue further studies, such as master’s or doctoral degrees, which can add two to six years, depending on the level of study and research involved.

Where can Graduates of this course Work in Nigeria?

Adult and Non-Formal Education graduates in Nigeria can work in various sectors, such as adult education centres and community-based organizations.

Furthermore, they can work in vocational training institutes, corporate training departments, private tutoring, and entrepreneurship.


In conclusion, Adult and Non-Formal Education is a valuable course for students in Nigeria. Lastly, candidates who wish to study this course should visit the school for more details.


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