Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Human Anatomy

In this post, you will find the list of universities offering Human Anatomy in Nigeria and an explanation of what Human Anatomy is. Also, you will find answers to some frequently asked questions.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Human Anatomy

A human anatomy course is a detailed exploration of the structure of the human body. It covers everything from the bones, muscles, and organs to the intricate systems that keep us functioning. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the body’s anatomy, using specialized terminology to describe its various parts and functions.

The course typically involves a combination of theoretical lectures, practical laboratory sessions, and sometimes hands-on experiences such as cadaver dissection or virtual simulations.

Lastly, understanding human anatomy is foundational for many careers in healthcare and biological sciences, as it provides the necessary knowledge to diagnose and treat medical conditions, conduct research, and develop medical technologies. Below is the list of Universities offering this course.

Federal Universities in Nigeria Offering Human Anatomy

State Universities in Nigeria Offering Human Anatomy

Private Universities

Is Human Anatomy a Good University Course to Study in Nigeria?

Studying human anatomy at the university level in Nigeria offers numerous advantages. It provides a strong foundation for pursuing healthcare, research, and academia careers. Understanding the intricacies of the human body is essential for healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat medical conditions effectively.

Additionally, anatomy intersects with various fields, such as physiology, pathology, and biomechanics, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of human biology. Practical components, including laboratory sessions and cadaver dissection, enhance learning and application of theoretical knowledge.

Graduates with a background in human anatomy have diverse career opportunities in healthcare, academia, research, and industry. Moreover, their contributions to society through improved healthcare outcomes and advancements in medical knowledge are invaluable.

How Many Years Does it Take to Study Human Anatomy in Nigeria?

Studying human anatomy in Nigeria involves a significant time commitment at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Undergraduate Level typically integrates into programs like Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, or, as a standalone Anatomy degree, undergraduate studies in human anatomy span approximately five to six years.

While postgraduate Level For further specialization or research, postgraduate studies are available. A Master’s degree program generally takes about two years to complete, while a Ph.D. program emphasizing research may extend for three to five years or more.

Where Can Human Anatomy University Graduates Work in Nigeria?

Human anatomy university graduates in Nigeria have many career paths available to them. Their extensive knowledge of the human body’s structure and function opens doors in various sectors.

Many graduates work directly in healthcare settings, such as hospitals or clinics, where they can apply their understanding of anatomy to diagnose and treat patients. Some may opt for roles in research institutions or academia, conducting studies on different aspects of human anatomy or teaching the subject to aspiring healthcare professionals.

Others may find opportunities in industries like pharmaceuticals or biotechnology, contributing to drug development or medical device innovation.


In conclusion, Human Anatomy is a Good science course; therefore, students who wish to study this course should visit the school portal for more requirements.


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