Apple Swift Student Challenge 2024

This informs the public about the Apple Swift Student Challenge 2024. Details about the Program are given below. Apple is proud to support and uplift the next generation of developers, creators, and entrepreneurs with the Swift Student Challenge.

Apple Swift Student Challenge 2024

The Challenge has given thousands of student developers the opportunity to showcase their creativity and coding capabilities through app playgrounds and earn real-world skills that they can take into their careers and beyond.

Program Details

New for the 2024 Challenge, out of 350 winners, we’ll recognize 50 Distinguished Winners for their outstanding submissions and invite them to Apple in Cupertino for an extraordinary experience.

All Challenge winners will receive one year of membership in the Apple Developer Program, a complimentary voucher to take an App Development with Swift certification exam, and a special gift from Apple.


To be eligible for the Challenge, at the time you submit your app playground, you must:

  • Be 13 years of age or older in the United States or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction (for example, 16 years of age in the European Union);*
  • Be registered for free with Apple as an Apple developer or be a member of the Apple Developer Program and
  • Fulfill one of the following requirements:
    • Be enrolled in an accredited academic institution or official homeschool equivalent;
    • Be enrolled in a STEM organization’s educational curriculum;
    • Be enrolled in an Apple Developer Academy; or
    • Have graduated from high school or equivalent within the past 6 months and are awaiting acceptance or have received acceptance to an accredited academic institution.

You can receive a Swift Student Challenge award up to four times.

How to Apply

For those interested in the Apple Swift Student Challenge 2024. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 25 February 2024.

Open this link for more details about the Apple Swift Student Challenge 2024.

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