The Artist Gallery Young Photo Contest 2023 | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about The Artist Gallery Young Photo Contest 2023. Details about the Program are given below.

The Artist Gallery Young Photo Contest

About The Artist Gallery Young Photo Contest 2023

  • The best photographer of each category will win a free 5 photos submission for any of our paid contests.

  • The second best photographer of each category will win a free 3 photos submission for any of our paid contests.

  • The third best photographer of each category will win a free 1 photo submission for any of our paid contests.

  • The prize can be used in any of our contests between 2023 and 2024.

  • We will publish a blog about the photography career and aspirations of the best photographer of each category.

  • The best 40 photographs will be shared in our social media channels and digital gallery.

  • Digital certificate for the best 10 photos of each category.

  • The judges decision is unnapealable.

Program Details

Our judges panel is made of two professional photographers with a great background in different areas​. The judges will score every photography considering different factors like creativity, technical skills, composition, etc.

The judges do not have access to any detail about the photographers, the judging process is completely anonymus. Look for your best photography and participate.


  • The photographer had to be born in the year 2000 or later.

  • Every photographer can participate in all the categories with a max number of 5 photos per category. If the photographer decides to submit more than that, our system automatically will delete any additional photo.

  • Make sure the name of your files uploaded follow this rule: PhotoTitle_ShortDescription.

  • Photographer name and location of the 40 best photos will be shared in our web page and social networks.

  • Personal information won’t be shared with third parties, it will be used only for the contest, the gallery web page and social networks.

  • The contest organization team may request a proof of age to the finalist photographers if they consider it appropriate.

  • Photos will be accepted only before the submission deadline.

  • Photos sent to our official email are not accepted.

  • AI images are not allowed.

  • “The Artist Gallery” has the right to cancel the contest if it is considered necessary. 

Photography requirements

  • Only JPG (JPEG) files are accepted.

  • The smallest side has to have at least 1000  pixels.

  • The file should be of 12MB or less.

  • The photography must be about the theme of the contest.

  • Remove any watermark from the photo, any photography with watermark will be removed from the contest.

  • Photo edition like fixing exposure, contrast, sharping, color saturation is allowed. What is not allowed is to add or remove any element from the photo.

  • If the judges consider it necessary, they can ask for the original file, it is recommended that the photo has its metadata.

  • Special rule for the Nature Category: If the photograph is about wildlife then it is strictly forbidden to have manipulated the animals for the photo. These must be in their natural habitat, photos of pets or animals in captivity are not allowed.

  • Any submission that does not have all these requirements will be disqualified.

The Artist Gallery Young Photo Contest 2023 Application

For those interested in The Artist Gallery Young Photo Contest 2023. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 October 2023.

Open this link for more details about The Artist Gallery Young Photo Contest 2023.

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