Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 (Funded) | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024. Details about the Program are given below.

Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024.

About Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

The Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) and the Mediterranean Universities Union  (UNIMED)  offer short-term fellowships of 2 or 3 months in France for young researchers native from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Syria and affiliated to one of the 164 Universities member of UNIMED.

This research stay is designed to enable researchers to conduct research studies in France: field enquiries, library and archives work.

Program Details

Laureates will receive a financial support of 1 700€ per month. This financial contribution is intended to cover expenditure such as transport and accommodation costs. Besides, FMSH provides scientific and logistical assistance (working space, help for finding accommodation, letters to libraries…)


Nationality: this program is open to researchers originating from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Marocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Syria and affiliated to one of the 164 Universities member of UNIMED.

Educational Degree: applicants must have obtained their PhD doctorate and presented their thesis from 2018. There is no age limit.

Theme: applicants must be involved in research in social sciences and humanities (SSH) or at the frontier between SSH and other sciences.

Language : French or English depending on the project.

French host institution: before submitting their application, applicants will have to find a French research institution to host them for the time of their stay. Applicants will have to provide a letter from the hosting institution addressed to the FMSH and the UNIMED expressing the institution’s willingness to host the applicant during the time of fellowship and explaining the work conditions offered.


  1. Reach the online application form and enter «Researcher Workspace»
  2. You have to be registered on the online platform in order to use it. If you haven’t created an account yet, you will be asked to
  3. Create your profile by filling all your personal information and then enter “create a new application”
  4. Select “Programme Atlas incoming 2024” and then the specific call « FMSH-UNIMED: South Mediterranean > France».
  5. Fill all the information tabs
  6. In the “Documents” final tab, you will need to upload your research proposal and the appendices into one single PDF document:
    • Research proposal
    • Curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum)
    • List of publications
    • Copy of the PhD diploma
    • Letter from the director of the research institution
    • Letter of invitation from the director of the host research institution in France
  7. You can save your application and complete it later several times if you wish, until the closure of the call for applications. Once you have submitted your application, you will no longer have the possibility to amend it. Once submitted, you will receive an automatic email confirming the submission. Applications not submitted, incomplete application forms or applications that do not match the above description will not be taken into account.

For any information on the platform or in case of you meet difficulties to use it, please contact

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 February 2024.

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