Call for proposals: Code for All Summit 2023 | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the Call for Proposals: Code for All Summit 2023. Details about the Program are given below.

Code for All Summit 2023

About Code for All Summit 2023

The Summit serves as the premier gathering for civic tech enthusiasts from around the world, providing a unique platform to discuss, explore, and evaluate the work, lessons, and impact of civic tech on a global scale. It presents an exceptional opportunity to connect online, foster meaningful connections, and exchange knowledge with each other.

If you’re curious about what the Code for All Summit has to offer, you can read our 2022 Summit overview and watch the recordings from last year’s Summit.

Program Details

The themes for the 2023 Summit have been thoughtfully curated based on the most pressing challenges and opportunities identified by our member organizations. In addition, we have sought valuable input from over 76 individuals representing our community.

These themes encompass a diverse range of perspectives and address some of the most significant and current opportunities and challenges faced by the international civic tech community.

We are looking for the following types of presentations:

> Panels

Three or more folks from different organizations share their expertise and experience around a shared topic. We recommend having at least 3 panelists confirmed when you submit your session proposal. Time limit: 60 mins.

> Lightning Talks

Quick, pre-recorded presentations where a speaker shares insights from a project or case study. Time limit: 5-7 mins.

> Workshops

Live, interactive sessions where participants learn and develop new skills, ideas, or tools together.  Time limit: 60 mins

Code for All Summit 2023 Application

Submit your proposal through the online form. We suggest you prepare your idea in its entirety before completing the online submission form. These are the questions you will find in the online form:

  • What is the title of your session? (English)
  • What is the goal of your session? (100 words)
  • Description of your session (250 words)
  • How will you make your session engaging?
  • What will participants get out of your session? (100 words)
  • How will you make sure your session is a safe space for all participants?
  • Speaker information: Provide the names, small bios (2-5 lines), and contact information for yourself and any additional speakers or panelists involved in your session.
  • Availability for September 18th – 21st: Indicate the availability of yourself and your session speakers for the specified dates, particularly for workshops and panel discussions.

To facilitate the process, we have created a Docs Template that you can copy and utilize to refine your proposal more effectively!

If you have any questions during the submission process, please contact us at

Let’s stay connected! Follow #CfAllSummit23 for updates in real time.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 19 June 2023.

Open this link for more details about the Code for All Summit 2023.

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