Different Types of Students in Nigerian Schools and Universities and What They Are Known For

There are different types of students in schools or universities in Nigeria. In Every Nigerian Institution: University, Secondary School, Primary School, and so on there are different types of students and you can distinguish one from the other by their traits.

Even though it has become quite true that everything in life does not revolve around how well you performed while in school, it is also true that it is quite important to take schooling very important. Year in and year out, so many students come in and leave school. Every class, every set has different types of students.

Types of Students in Nigeria Schools and Universities

Different Types of Students in School and What they are known for.

Different Types of Students in School and What they are known for many things. Here are the types of students.


This applies mostly to Tertiary Institutions/Universities. These set of students look out for any means to make money through innovation, buying and selling, or rendering basic services to their fellow students and even staff of their school. Most of the time, these sets of students are financially isolated and independent.

They have to fend for themselves and find their own sources of income. You could see some “Entrepreneurial Students selling food items”, Barbers, or even TutorialOrganizers for fellow students. It should be noted that it is not wrong to engage in entrepreneurial activities while in school, it is equally important to balance these activities with school work.

A lot of times, these students find it difficult, to manage time, balance these activities with their school work and end up having poor grades. However, this is not a general statement.


This set of students is always reading. Most of the time, they have it in mind to graduate with the best grades from the institution, and most times they do. Not so many students are bookworms and it takes a lot of commitment to be one. A bookworm could read up to 8 hours a day or even more. When I say read I actually mean Studying. See: What is the Difference between reading and studying?

Party Animals

This set of students is always ready to turn up and it cuts across both boys and girls. After lots of drinking and dancing, the next is a hangover. They could end up missing lectures because of the party they attended the night before. No parent that sends his/her child to school expects them to turn out to be serial Party animals. Alcohol has its own effects on the student which we wouldn’t be concentrating on in this post.

Pastors are one of the different types of Students in schools and Universities in Nigeria

You find these students on virtually any campus. They are highly spiritual and have high moral standards. Some of these students have very spiritual parents. Others just came to love God and develop a strong passion for him. It is very fallacious however to say that Pastors in school end up not doing well academically as I’ve seen a lot of cases where very spiritual students still do very well academically.

Political Students/Politicians

These students contest for Student Union positions, Departmental and Faculty offices. It is quite advisable to venture into little politics as a student once in a while. School politics gives you an idea of what politics outside the campus environment looks like. 6. Freethinkers: These set of students just live each day as it comes. They could be bookworms or otherwise but they don’t have any strong spiritual belief system.

Flirts are one of the different types of Students in schools and Universities in Nigeria

How could I forget to mention these guys? They could be girls too. They are all about attraction to the opposite sex and could easily be distracted.


There are a lot of cults across Nigerian Campuses however cultism has been greatly reduced on Nigerian campuses. It’s no longer as rampant as it was some twenty years ago.

Musicians, Insulters, Gossips…

The list is unending. The school campus is a small country with so many different characters. You could come across really strange characters. Just learn to keep your cool and associate with the kind of students you are comfortable around.

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