Digital Jewels Africa Scholarship Program 2024

This informs the public about the Digital Jewels Africa Scholarship Program 2024. Details about the Program are given below. DJCares, the CSR vehicle of Digital Jewels, a specialized Information Value Chain and Capacity Building Firm, has instituted a Scholarship scheme of  N200,000  to support the cause of promising but indigent students pursuing an IT profession.

Digital Jewels Africa Scholarship Program

As part of the DJ Cares scheme for the year, a part scholarship will be awarded towards reducing the number of promising students who may otherwise have dropped out of School for lack of funds and encouraging them to excel.

Program Details

Their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative is a demonstration of our quest to build capacity for specialized skills for the development of the African economy. With the Firm’s vision of becoming Africa’s trusted guide in the emerging knowledge economy by providing high quality classroom based training, e-learning and specialised recruitment services, Digital Jewels Cares seeks to provide career guidance to enable professionals, experienced and inexperienced alike, to develop skills relevant to the information age.

Apart from the scholarship, there will be Opportunity for placement by Digital Jewels during holiday’s, designated Industrial Training Periods, and Youth Service.


To be eligible for the scholarship award selection, candidates must ensure they meet all criteria as stated below.

  • IT-related course of study. Specifically, Computer Science (single or combined degree), Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering.
  • GPA of at least 3.75/5 each semester since university enrollment.
  • Must not be more than 23 years by Oct. of the application year
  • Must have spent at least 2yrs in university
  • Must have English language proficiency (oral & written).
  • Must produce two (2) credible references, 1 of which must be a reference from your current institution e.g H.O.D, Dean e.t.c

How to Apply

For those interested in the Digital Jewels Africa Scholarship Program 2024. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is Unspecified.

Open this link for more details about Digital Jewels Africa Scholarship Program 2024.

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