Diversity on Board Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program 2024 | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the Diversity on Board Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program 2024. Details about the Program are given below.

Diversity on Board Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program 2024

About Diversity on Board Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program 2024

Diversity On Board is proud to launch the third Emerging Board Leaders Fellowship (EBLF) board accelerator, powered by HSBC. The Fellowship is designed to accelerate high-potential, exceptional, Arab and North African women and men, on their path to the boardroom.

Fellows will gain the necessary fiduciary, risk and governance skills, support, and mentorship to qualify as competitive and effective board directors, as well as the exposure and access to networks for board placement. With the current global humanitarian and economic crisis, additional dimensions to the responsiveness of leadership and upper management will be integrated into the program.

Program Details

The Emerging Board Leaders Fellowship is designed to amplify the skills and accelerate the progress of candidates who are almost board-ready and need one final catalyst. We believe that by supporting these socially and environmentally conscious leaders with the skills for effective directorship, they will be in positions to advance the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda within the organizations and communities they serve. We also believe in gender equity and align with the 30% Club in designing a fellowship that is gender-inclusive rather than focused on one gender only.

For candidates who don’t fit the Eligibility Criteria, we provide resources in our freely accessible ‘Pathway to the Boardroom’ self-guided learning platform on our website designed to assist you in navigating the various aspects of the board leadership journey. This platform covers a range of topics, including crafting effective board biographies, strategies for applying to board roles, and best practices for serving on boards effectively. Click here to sign up.


  • Of Arab or North African origin, both women and men (holding any nationality, including that of non-Arab countries).
  • Between the ages of 28-45 years during 2024.
  • Able to commit for the duration of the program.
  • C-Level experience, or a founder of a small/medium organization, or senior official at a small/medium non-corporate institution e.g. government and nonprofit.
  • At least 10 years of recognized achievements, leadership, and outstanding professional work experience.
  • Experience and skills in Financial Literacy, Corporate Law, Human Resources, Audit/Risk; or in critical areas related to our changing world e.g. Cyber Security, Big Data, AI, ESG, etc.
  • Highly strategic, critical thinker demonstrating future foresight.
  • Proven ability to lead and influence.
  • Excellent interpersonal, and communication skills. High levels of emotional intelligence.
  • Demonstrates a personal commitment to serve/impact society and the environment. Participates in the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Desire for personal and career growth throughout and beyond the duration of the program.

* Applicants with board experience in a listed company are NOT eligible to apply. However, those with or without experience serving on non-listed companies, government, nonprofit, social enterprise, scientific, and other boards are encouraged to apply.


For those interested in the Audi Environmental Foundation Scholarship 2024. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 16 February 2024.

Open this link for more details about Diversity on Board Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program 2024.

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