Call for Applications: Ethiopia Media Support, Train, Protect & Value Project 2024 (Funded) | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the Ethiopia Media Support, Train, Protect & Value Project 2024 Call for Applications. Details about the Program are given below.

Ethiopia Media Support, Train, Protect & Value Project 2024

About Ethiopia Media Support, Train, Protect & Value Project 2024

The Ethiopia Media Support project aims to strengthen the training skills of the media self-regulatory body, Ethiopian Media Council (EMC), to cement its legitimacy and credibility within the media sector, where it works to promote the freedom of the press and guarantee that journalists take ethics into account. The EMC will benefit from two train-the-trainer training programmes.

The first will focus on combating misinformation and hate speech, while the second will cover journalism in sensitive contexts and the safety aspects of reporting. This project is part of a programme implemented in partnership with the Cooperation and Cultural Action Service of the French Embassy in Addis Ababa, which supports the EMC in its media self-regulation role, and the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA – France’s national audiovisual institute), which helps to preserve and promote the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation’s archives.

Program Details

The training of trainers’ sessions will be delivered in English and local languages (Amharic, Oromo, etc.) by international and national trainers with a good knowledge of the Ethiopian context.

The participation of journalists and media professionals in the program requires them to be fully available for the duration of the training courses. The managers of the journalists undertake to release them from all professional obligations for the entire duration of the training course.

A certificate must be signed by the hierarchical superiors, confirming the journalist’s complete availability during the training period.


Editors-in-chief, editorial directors, programme directors or heads, experienced journalists; living in Ethiopia and wishing to become professional trainers or any other person with experience in the field of training.

Applications from women are strongly encouraged.

Number of places available: 30 persons are expected

Qualifications required:

  • At least five (5) years’ professional experience in journalism or equivalent field;
  • Professional experience in radio or TV broadcasting;
  • Good knowledge of continuing education issues;
  • Experience of running educational modules;
  • A good level of general knowledge;
  • Advanced digital skills;
  • Computer skills;
  • Presence on social networks would be appreciated (Facebook and/or Twitter accounts created and active, WhatsApp, etc.);
  • Availability of a laptop;
  • Available to take part in the 1st training of trainers, scheduled for November 2024;
  • Availability to act as a trainer for the benefit of EMC.
  • A good command of one of the following local languages would be an asset: Amharic, Oromo, Somali, Trigrigna;
  • Residence in one of the following four areas would be an asset: Amhara regional state; Oromia regional state; Tigray regional state; Addis Ababa administration.

Applications from media featuring women journalists will be considered with particular care.


For those interested in the Ethiopia Media Support, Train, Protect & Value Project 2024. Open this link to start the application process.

The application file must include the following items:

  1. The completed “Application form”
  2. A detailed, signed CV (max. 3 pages)
  3. A copy of your valid passport or national identity card.

*Please specify for which cycle training you applied:

  • for the first cycle of session: combating disinformation and hate speech;
  • for the second cycle of session: journalism in sensitive contexts.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 February 2024.

Open this link for more details about Ethiopia Media Support, Train, Protect & Value Project 2024.

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