Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award 2023 ($120,000 prize)

This informs the public about the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award 2023. Details about the Program are given below.

Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award 2023

About Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award 2023

Diversity has existed on earth since the beginning of time. It is one of the fundamentals of life that our ancestors have learnt and understood along with the wisdom behind it until it has become ingrained as intellect. You may see diversity right in front of you, whether it be in an idea that inspires you or in a random and spontaneous visual comparison.

In all its vastness, the ‘Diversity’ category widens the doors of creativity allowing your photography to be filled with meaningful, empowering and expressive concepts. This Twelfth Season also presents our photography community a special space for talented artists in the digital field to formulate digital creations, that convey the depths of their imagination, through the ‘Digital Art’ category.

For the seventh year in a row, the ‘Portfolio’ category continues to bring in great photographic works from photographers that have an awe-inspiring passion for visual story-telling. Lastly, and definitely not least, the ‘General’ Category (Colour and Black & White) gives photographers the opportunity to soar to new heights of creativity without any restrictions in their path.

Program Details


A global concept whose origins go back to the beginning of time; of which the meaning also changes constantly due to the fluctuations of time, place, events and circumstances.

Delving deeper into the essence of ‘Diversity’ tells us that it is a basis for coexistent thoughts, including the principle of tolerance, acceptance and the appreciation of differences to benefit all humanity.

The photo that perfectly captures the artistic aspect of ‘Diversity’ translates and evokes a response from the audience. It is one that brings to reality the wonders of the world we live in, highlighting how different yet similar we all are as we share a kindred purpose.

Can your (photographer’s) photo have that subtle yet impactful effect on the viewer? Your understanding of the sublime meanings and connotations of ‘Diversity’, which is the differences and pluralism, should be engrained! It is your arena for creativity.


Do you have a great photograph, but it does not convey all the messages that you want it to?

Do you feel that you are creative in the field of Fine Arts and are able to formulate digital formations that enhance the work that lives in your imagination?

Do you think enhancing your photograph digitally will take it to the next level? Then this is the category for you!

Our fourth and final category is Digital Art.


The Portfolio category returns once again to challenge you (photographer’s) to showcase your story-telling skills through a series of photographs.

A strong photographic story delves into the heart of a subject matter and tells the story from your (photographer’s) perspective.

A portfolio of photographs allows you to capture the hearts and minds of an audience in a way a single photograph cannot.


This category remains a favourite among photographers who have an outstanding eye for visual compositions that do not necessarily fall into any of the other categories.

Year after year, this category has gained quality and depth, not to mention numbers, with over a third of all entries registered in the competition.

We continue to offer participants two opportunities to participate in this category: Black and White – to give the deserved substance to this classic art form; and colour – giving participants the option to dazzle the jury and viewers with their vibrant compositions.


The Photography Appreciation Award

There are many passionate people within the photography industry who are dedicated and relentless in their pursuit for excellence. These people offer their services and expertise without expecting a return on their efforts and therefore form a vital part of the photographic community.

The ‘Photography Appreciation Award’ is a special category for a person or group who has shown long-standing commitment to enhancing the art of photography. By awarding the recipient, HIPA hopes to give back a small amount of the respect and appreciation they deserve.

The Photography Content Creator Award

Service to photography is not limited to taking stunning photographs, but extends to editors, publishers, bloggers, researchers, inventors, promoters and all print and digital content creators that have had a positive impact on the industry and helped shape it to what it is today.

Emerging Person/Organization in Photography Award

This award is presented to an emerging person or organization that has shown outstanding work or vision in the photography industry on a regional, national or international level.

All winners of the Special Awards are to be exclusively selected by HIPA.


  • You may submit up to one (1) Photo in each relevant category of the Competition including the sub categories under the General category, Except the Portfolio category where you can submit between 5 – 10 Photo(s); You must provide a title and description for each Photo submitted and a description for the set of photos in the Portfolio category.
  • The same Photo must not be submitted in more than one (1) category. Any Photo submitted in more than one (1) category will be discarded from the Competition.
  • Submitted Photo must be in JPEG or JPG format, with high quality and resolution, of a minimum 5 MB in size, the minimum of the longest edge should be no less than 2000 pixel and the quality no less than 300dpi and to be suitable for publication.
  • Participants are NOT requested to submit the raw/original camera files at the same time of submitting their Photographs, but it will be requested from them if they qualify to the final stage of judging.
  • Black and white Photo(s) are permitted in all the categories of the Competition except for the Color sub category under the General category.
  • Participants are allowed to submit a digitally manipulated photo only in Digital Art category.
  • For the Portfolio category, you are requested to submit a series of Photo(s) on the same subject matter. The number of permitted Photo(s) is the minimum of 5 and maximum of 10 Photo(s).
  • All submitted Photo(s) (must not contain any tag(s), signature(s), initial(s), frame, border(s), logo(s) or any other references and/or marks added by the Participant. Basic technical editing of the Photo(sis acceptable, provided any such editing does not affect the authenticity and/or genuineness of the Photo(s). Advanced editing used to create illusions, deceptions and/or manipulations; including compositing and creative retouching of the Photo(s) is prohibited. HIPA preserves the right to assess and discard from the competition any submitted Photo(s) deemed, at HIPA’s own discretion, contrary to the foregoing.
  • Photo(s) that portray or otherwise include inappropriate and/or offensive content, including nudity, violence, and/or any other content deemed to be contrary to the UAE religious, cultural, and/or public morals traditions and practices will be disqualified.
  • Photo(s) (that have won any previous award(s), whether in any HIPA prior competition(s), or in any other competition(s) whatsoever and announced before 30th June 2023, and/or Photo(s) that have been previously used, or are intended to be used, for any kind of commercial purposes, must not be submitted. Any Photo(s) submitted in contrary to the foregoing will be automatically and without further notice disqualified from the entire Competition.

How to Apply

For those interested in Enterprising Futures Scholarship 2023. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 14 June 2023.

Open this link for more details about the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award 2023.

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