13 Interesting Facts About the People of Baruba (Batonu) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of Baruba (Batonu) Ethnic group can be found in Nigeria. They are part of the numerous ethnics group in Nigeria though they can also be found in other parts of the continent of Africa. However, this post will bring Interesting Facts About the People of the Baruba (Batonu) Ethnic Group.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Baruba (Batonu) Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Baruba (Batonu) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Baruba (Batonu) Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. They are a Small Ethnic Group

Nigeria has a ton of ethnic groups and some are large while others are quite small. The Baruba ethnic group is on the smaller side with only three hundred and eighty-seven thousand people in Nigeria.

2. Their Language

Now the Baruba people have their own language which is called Baatonum and like the other ethnic group some of them have learnt a second language

3. Their Religion is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Baruba (Batonu) Ethnic Group

The Baruba people are mainly Islam. Making Islam the largest religion in the ethnic group with few of them being Christians.

4. They Can be Found in Different Countries

It has been recorded that apart from Nigeria this ethnic group can also be found in four different countries. Additionally, the countries in which the Baruba ethnic group can be found are Togo, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Benin Republic.

5. Alternate Names

In addition, the Baruba people are known by other names by various people over the course of history. Also, the people of the Baruba ethnic group are called by different names and some of these names are. Baatoumbu, Bargu, Batonu, Burku and also called Nikki

6. Where Can they be Found in Nigeria is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Baruba (Batonu) Ethnic Group

In addition, the Baruba people can be found in two different states in Nigeria. The States where this ethnic group can be found are Kwara state and Niger State. In addition, the states they occupy are states that are located in the northern part of Nigeria.

7. Their Skin Colour

The Baruba people or the Batonu people have their skin colour to be dark. Also, this is not surprising as the majority of the people in Nigeria are dark-skinned with the exception of a few and the northerners are especially known as dark-skinned

8. Their Source of Income

Their major source of income is agriculture. Also, the Baruba people are farmers, they are animal rearers and also weavers and makers of cloth.

9. Their Affinity Bloc is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Baruba (Batonu) Ethnic Group

The Baruba people affinity bloc is sub-Saharan people. sub-Saharan is a region in Africa that lies south of the Sahara

10. Their Belief

Folk Islam is a belief where that blends traditional elements of Islam with superstitious or traditional practices. Also, traditional practices such as warding off evil spirits, using magical amulets and also reading verses from the Qur’an.

11. They are Divided into Two Subgroups

Though this ethnic group can be found in four different countries in Africa they are divided into two subgroups. Also, the sub-group they are divided into are the Nikki of Benin and the Busa of Nigeria.

12. They are Said to be Good Archers and Night Guards and this is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Baruba (Batonu) Ethnic Group

Additionally, in the history of the Baruba people, it is said that they are good archers and night guards and that many of them have worked in neighbouring areas such as the Yoruba land. Also, it is also believed that they have herbal prowess.

13. Festivals of the Baruba People

The people celebrate different festivals which include the Gaani festival, the yam festival, the marriage ceremony, the naming ceremony, Eid-el-Malud, Eid-el-Kabir and Eid el fitri festivals and above all the festivals the Gaani festival is the most celebrated.


By reading this article you have been able to learn about the different interesting facts about the Baruba people. fAlso, facts such as they actually occupy four different countries in Africa, you have been able to learn a little about their history such as they were farmers, archers and night guards.

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