13 Interesting Facts About the People of Baushi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Baushi ethnic group is a small ethnic group in Nigeria, even in the state where they can be found they are not among the major ethnic groups there. The people of the Bauchi ethnic groups speak several languages and have their own traditions, languages and beliefs. However, this post will bring Interesting Facts About the People of the Baushi Ethnic Group.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Baushi Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Baushi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Baushi Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. They are from Niger State

The people of Baushi ethnic group are from Niger State Nigeria and they have been known to have occupied that state before the colonial era. They are not a part of the major ethnic group that can be found in the state

2. Their Local Government Area in the State

The Baushi people occupy two out of several local government areas in Niger State. The Local Government Areas that they occupy are the Shiroro Local government area and Tafa local government area of Niger State, Nigeria

3. One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Baushi Ethnic Group is that They can be Found in Several villages in the State

In Niger State, Nigeria the people of Baushi ethnic group can be found in several villages and these villages are Madaka, Guda, Asamboro, Wayam, Rubu, and Supana villages which can be found in two of the local government areas in the State

4. The Population of the Baushi People

The Baushi ethnic group are a small ethnic group in Nigeria and even in the state that they occupy. Meanwhile, it is recorded that they have a population to be over twenty thousand in number.

5. Their Source of Income

Like other ethnic groups, their source of income is Agriculture. They are mainly farmers and they grow mostly corn, rice, millet, guinea corn, yam, groundnut, potato and beans.

6. Their Language is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Baushi Ethnic Group

The Baushi people speak several six languages and the name of these languages are Madaka, Guda, Asamboro, Wayam, Rubu, and Supana which are also the name of their villages within two local government areas in Niger state.

7. Their Religion

In addition, they are mostly Islam and very few of them are Christians. The Christians are very small with only a small local church. Those that are not Muslim or Christian are those that still maintain their traditional religion while some others are atheists.

8. Their Festivals

Also, they celebrate Christian festivals such as Christmas, and Easter and also Muslim festivals such as Eid-el-Fitr, Eid al Adha and their traditional festival celebrated are the Ingigiyi and Uvokin Ame and the most popular is the Ingigiyi festival.

9. Their Musical Instruments is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Baushi Ethnic Group

Additionally, their musical instruments are the Duma which is used for percussion and also the Molo which is a lute. They also have the Ganga and Kakai for martial, state and also for ceremonial occasions.

10. The Name of their Chief

The people of the Baushi ethnic group have their own structure and organization and like other ethnics group within the state and also outside the state, they have a chief. Also, their chief is called a name and the name they call their chief is Agwam.

11. Their Traditional Attire

They have their traditional attire and this attire is nowadays mostly used for special ceremonies such as festivals, marriage, naming ceremonies, the inauguration of their new chief and so on. Also, the name of this attire is called Gudo which is a weaved clothing.

12. Their Surrounding is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Baushi Ethnic Group

Since they can be found in mainly six villages in Niger State the Baushi people are close to their surrounding villages in which they intermarry. Also, some surrounding villages are Ungwei, Cahungwarya, Basa and more.

13. The Modern Baushi People

In addition, the Modern Baushi people are still farmers though not all of them, they use modern transportation such as cars and motorcycles in their day-to-day life. They also speak Hausa and Bauchi to interact with their neighbours.


From these thirteen interesting facts about the Baushi people, you have learnt quite a lot about them. Though they are quite small in population, they still honour their traditions and culture. They have also adapted to modern society.

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