13 Interesting Facts about the People of Buru Ethnic Group in Nigeria

All the way from Borno state is the Buru people also known as the Burrah. This article will be talking about some quite interesting fact or facts about the Buru people.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Buru Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts about the People of Buru Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Here are some interesting facts about the Buru Ethnic Group in Nigeria;

1. Location

As I said earlier, the Buru people can be found in Borno state in Nigeria. They are one of the many minority ethnic groups in Borno state.

2. Local Government

Amongst the twenty-seven (27) local governments in Borno state, the Buru people can be found in Biu, Hawul and Kwaya Kusar in the northeast.

3. One Interesting Fact About the Buru People is Their Festivals

They celebrate several kinds of festivals throughout the year. Among the various festivals they celebrate is the Kwaya Kusar cultural festival which showcases their traditional dance, music and food.

4. Their Men Traditional Attire

Their men wear a loose-fitting long sleeves shirt known as “dagwu” which is made of locally woven fabric. They wear loose-fitting trousers or shorts. Also, they sometimes wear a flowing robe-like on top of the shirt known as “babnriga:”

5. Women’s Traditional Attire

The women of the Buru ethnic group wear a colourful wrap skirts made from locally woven fabric. They tie the wrap skirt and wear it with a matching blouse and a head tie known as “ichafu”.

6. Their Food

The Buru people in Borno state have several locally made delicacies that are a result of geographical, climate and cultural influence. They have the popular Tuwo Shinkafa, Masa, Kilishi, Kan Kan Miya, Waina and many more.

7. Religion

While Christianity or Islam may exist among the Buru people, they still practice their traditional religion. Their traditional religion is a form of animism; they believe that every living or non-living object has a spirit or soul.

8. Another Interesting Fact About the Buru People is Their Agricultural Activities

The Burrah people are predominantly farmers. They cultivate crops such as yams, maize, sorghum, millet and groundnuts and also engage in livestock rearing and fishing.

9. Traditional Weaving

In addition to their farming and fishing, they are also known for their traditional weaving and pottery-making skills. There are also hunters among them.

10. Their Language

The Buru people are rich in culture and have span many centuries. The language which they speak is called the Buru which is part of the Chadic language family.

11. Another Interesting Fact About the Buru People is the Insurgency They Have Faced

Like every other ethnic group in Nigeria, the Buru people have been affected by conflicts in their region. They have also been caught in the crossfire between the Nigerian Military and Boko Haram.

12. System of Government

The people of Borno state practice a democratic system of government. The Buru people on the other hand as an ethnic group practice a monarchial system of government.

13. One More Interesting Fact About the Buru People is  Their Culture and Tradition

Despite the challenges they face, the Buru people have a rich culture and way of life. They continue to preserve their culture and unique traditions which is why they have festivals to help them maintain their cultural identity.


 In conclusion, there are so many interesting facts to know about the Buru people from Borno state. They are lovely and friendly people who I’m sure you would be excited to meet.

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