13 Interesting Facts About the People of Dakarkari Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Find out more about the people of the Dakarkari Ethnic group interesting facts. This group is native to Nigeria and they have their own culture, history and traditions. Now in Nigeria, there are over three hundred ethnic groups that can be found in the country and the Dakarkari ethnic group is just one of them.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Dakarkari Ethnic Group

So, this article is going to be giving to you facts about these people such as where they can be found in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Dakarkari Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Dakarkari Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Their State

You can find the Dakarkari people in Kebbi State, they occupy two local government areas in the state. The Zuru Donko-Wasagu and Sakaba Local government area of Kebbi State which was formally a part of Sokoto State

2. Their Alternative Name

The people of the Dakarkari Ethnic group are also called by another name. the name that they are also known as is called Lela and also Dakarawa and it has been reported that they are only found in Nigeria.

3. Their Environmental Climate is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Dakarkari Ethnic Group

Since they can be found in Kebbi State, their weather is tropical weather which includes coldness, wetness and also Harmattan.

4. They are Divided into Sub Group

The Dakarkari ethnic group are divided into subgroups. These groups are called Bangawa, Kafawa, Kelawa and Liawa. Also, these groups can be found in Kebu, roma, Dogo, Isgog, Dabai, Rikoto, Peni, Zuru and others.

5. Their Origin

In addition, it is believed that the Dakarkari people originated from the Kebbi Kingdom. They were foot soldiers of the kingdom from which they get their name. the dakarkari name originated from daakaaree which means foot soldier in Hausa.

6. Their Marriage Tradition is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Dakarkari Ethnic Group

The Dakarkari people have their own marriage tradition. They believe that before a man is married he must, first of all, be initiated and serve his father-in-law. Meanwhile, if he does not serve he is seen as not worthy of getting married.

7. Natural Resources

The Dakarkari live in a state that is filled with natural resources such as Gold, clay, quartz, magnesite, manganese, iron, copper and aluminium.

8. Reachability of the Dakarkari Ethnic Group

The dakarkari ethnic group are very easily reachable especially since they are part of the major tribes found in Kebbi State. Also, the Dakarkari people can easily be found once you have reached kebbi state.

9. Their Festivals is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Dakarkari Ethnic Group

Also, the people of the Dakarkari Ethnic group perform the U’hola Festival which is an annual festival that is used to commemorate the favour of their God for their harvest. Meanwhile, another use is that it is used to celebrate the graduation of suitors who have served their respective father-in-law they are called Yadata.

10. Their Local Delicacies

The people of Dakarkari enjoy the delicacy called Masa. Meanwhile, this delicacy is easily found in the homes of the locals. Also, it is a major delicacy that the people in the community prefer to eat especially in the morning.

11. Their Language

They mostly speak C’lela and Hausa, especially in their town. Though now they speak English and other languages. Also, their language C’lela has at least three dialects with many subdialects.

12. Thier Religion is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Dakarkari Ethnic Group

The Dakarkari people mostly serve their traditional Gods, with those not serving their ethnic gods now Christians or Muslims.

13. Their Population and Size

The Dakarkari are not large in population but they are among the major ethnic group in their home state of Nigeria. Also, their population is known to be approximately one hundred and thirty-six thousand (136,000).


The facts about them are quite interesting, with this you have learned about a new ethnic group in Nigeria and you know which state in Nigeria they are indigenous to. You also get to learn how they have survived with their environment and the natural resources God blessed them with.

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