13 Interesting Facts About the People of Dangsa Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Dangsa people are also known as the Dong people. This article is going to be looking at some interesting facts about the Dangsa people.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Dangsa Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the Dangsa People in Nigeria

Here are some interesting facts about the Dangsa people in Nigeria;

1. Location

The Dangsa people are one of the many minority ethnic groups in Nigeria in Taraba state. They are not just a minor ethnic group in Nigeria, but also in Taraba state.

2. One Interesting Fact About the Dangsa People is Their Origin

Although Nigerians, the Dangsa people have a history and they are sometimes believed to have migrated to their current location from the Dongting Lake region in China.

3. Local Government Area

They can be found primarily in Donga Local Government Areas. Also in communities including Donga, Takum, and Bali, you would find a number of them there.

4. Occupation

Like most minor and major ethnic groups in the North, the Dangsa people are predominantly farmers. They often cultivate crops such as yams, millet and maize.

5. Another Interesting Fact About the Dangsa People is Their Traditional Architecture

They are also known for their unique traditional architecture. Their houses are made of mud and thatched roofs.

6. One Interesting Fact About the Danga People is Their Festivals

The Dangsa people host several festivals annually. Some of their festivals include; Nwunye Festival, Ikyange Festival, Nzembe Festival, and the Kwagh-hir Festival among others.

7. Religion

Although a significant number of them practice Christianity, some of the Dangsa people still practice their traditional religions.

8. Men’s Traditional Attire

Their men often wear long shirts and trousers and adorn themselves with their traditional pieces of jewelry.

9. Women’s Traditional Attire

Their women wear long dresses with colourful patterns. They also adorn themselves with their traditional necklaces, bracelets and earrings. These jewelries are made from beads and other materials.

10. The Traditional Music of the Dangsa People is Also an Interesting Fact About Them

The Dangsa people are known for their lovely traditional music. They make use of various instruments such as xylophone, drums and flutes. They have the “Ding Ding” dance which they perform at some of their cultural festivals.

11. Ethnicity Problems

No matter how minor or major, every ethnic group have a crisis they deal with. Some of the challenges they face are poverty and lack of access to proper healthcare.

12. Another Interesting Fact About the Dangsa People is Their Language

They speak the Dangsa language which is a part of the Niger-Congo language family. It is classified as a part of the Jukunoid group of languages spoken by other ethnic groups including Kuteb and Tiv.

13. Food

One of the most popular dishes among the Danga people in Taraba state is the Tuwo Shinkafa. Tuwo Shinkafa is a dish made with rice and eaten with different soups and stews. There is also the local delicacy Masa.


In conclusion, there are so many interesting facts to know about the Dangsa people from Taraba state. They are hospitable people. The annual festivals they hold is an avenue for them to express their cultural identity.

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